Boom goes the Dynamite.
Have you ever been super amazing friends with someone, and then as soon as they get a boyfriend or a love interest, it is like you never existed?!!? Can I tell you how much that FREAKING PISSES ME OFF!? Like seriously, you feel used, because, cool, so you needed me when you were single, because you had no one else, and then as soon as you get a boyfriend, clearly you don't need me anymore, and I am old news?
I can't even tell you how mad this makes me.
Especially, when you are such great friends with each other, (or so you thought) that you literally spent every single day together all summer, saved their life, and they can't even give you the time of day, to tell you what has been going on in their lives....oh what say, the past 3 months, we haven't talked since you have had a boyfriend.
I am sorry, but I want you to be happy, and change is good. But what if the change you made just makes you a shitty person??
It hurts trying so hard to try and fix things, and trying to talk to you, about how I am feeling, or how you are being a bag of douche, when you won't ever respond to emails, text messages, or phone calls.
Last I heard, you weren't sure you even wanted to be in a freaking relationship. Clearly things have happened since then.
If one of your besties, sent you a text saying, "hey, I sent you an email, its really important, can you please read", wouldn't you make that #1 priority at reading it? I guess not for some people.
I guess I am just done.
I am sorry about this rant, but excuse a girl for being pissed off.
I want to wish the best, but secretly, I don't wish that at all.
Nothing good can come of being around your boyfriend, 150% of the time. I mean seriously? Can you not spend even 20 minutes away from him? No, apparently you cant, because when I invite you over, he comes.
I am all about spending time with all my friends, even when I am not single, because that is what you do. If you have a fight with your significant other, they are there to back you up. If you guys ever break up, they are there to pick up the pieces. I hope you realize, friend, that you alienating yourself from everyone, if something happens, and you longer have him, you will be alone...again. You can't use friends for when you need them, and then when things are going great in your life, dump them, until you need them again. It just doesn't work like that. I will not put up with that, and you still not responding to my letter to you, is a sign, that clearly, I am not as important to you as I thought. I am glad I know that now.
I would never wish bad things, but I don't wish you well.
Anyway, sorry for this rant all, I just had things to get off my chest. I am mad and frustrated. I just dont understand that logic I guess.
Anyway, love to you all my dearie loos.
Love you all times pi.
Some little quote I found-Love.
Sometimes we expect more from others, because wed be willing to do much more for them; and as we grow older we dont lose friends, we just learn who the real ones are.