Since I have totally been failing on doing consistent blog posts, and also taking consistent pictures I will kind of do a photo dump (with the FEW pictures that I have taken) and kind of explain each one, in a nutshell.
The Sunday before Thanksgiving we had purchased tickets to go see TSO in Portland. Tim had never been to see them before, and I think in his mind he was thinking it was going to be some symphony playing traditional Christmas songs. To all of you that have actually been to a TSO concert, you know that is the complete opposite of what it is! They have pyro-technics, electric guitars, Christmas Rock music, and lasers. I have seen them about 3 other times before but it had been a few years since the last time I saw them! Boy did they not fail to disappoint! Even better than I say that we were blown away...was an understatement.
Again..the drive...gorgeous!
Waiting for TSO to start
So excited!
Earlier in the day we had also gone to see Tim's mum. We don't get to see her much since she is constantly traveling for her job, but it was wonderful to spend some one on one time with her and (for me) get to know her better. We started off the day going to Ikea to look at baby furniture, and then finished our visit by taking a walk through downtown Camas, Washington. Super cute town! One of the best stores that we came across was this oil and vinegar shop! Tim's mum treated us to this AMAZING Blueberry Balsamic and Lime oil (thanks, mum!). All in all, such an amazing day!
2.) Thanksgiving
For Thanksgiving we went up to my home in Washington. The first day or two we spent the day with my dad, since we were unable to actually see him on the day of Thanksgiving. Then on Thanksgiving day we went to my mums house and had the most amazing dinner! You know the works, Turkey, Green Bean Casserole, Sweet Potato Casserole, Mashed Potatoes and gravy, rolls, and we had the honor of bringing pies...two of them..Cherry and Apple! yum! The day itself was filled with relaxation and just delicious food...and family time! We also had to bring out the baby books because Timothy had never seen them before! I don't think I have pictures of the actual day itself..unless Tim took some...but yes! Amazing!
3.) Black Friday Shopping
On Black Friday my mum and I woke up at the crack of dawn (well lets say 5am) to do some Christmas shopping. It has been a few years since we have been able to actually get out and go due to the fact of our busy schedules and me living in Oregon these days. So we jumped at the chance to go! We hit up Fred Meyers first, and then went to Alderwood Mall to finish up! We actually didnt' run into too many crowds (Surprisingly) and the longest line that we stood in was a 3 person line at JcPenney that seemed to take about 20 minutes longer than it should have. I think they were just so slow! No pics of this day either...but I have one of this pillow that I must have. So if anyone feels inclined to purchase this for all means :)
Later that day, Tim and I went to Snowflake Lane which is this really cute Christmas event in downtown Bellevue, Washington. The crowds were absolutely RIDICULOUS, since apparently it was opening night, but we headed on over to Palomino and had some delicious appetizers and some drinks (well....some nice water for me thanks).
4.) Leavenworth
The day after we packed up the old front wheel drive sleigh to go to the land of Bavaria with our friends Cory and Kristine. Kristine is my seester that has only been my seester since the beginning of time. If you don't follow probably
Tim had never been here and it is just the cutest little Bavarian village on the other side of the mountains. We saw some snow, and enjoyed all this little town has to offer...Sausages, Shopping, Hat Shop, Chocolate Stores, Wine, and of course the Christmas Lights and decorations!
P.S. If you have seen these photos before, it is because I definitely stole them from my seeester!

On the way over the pass!

Ruv himmmm

Love them!

The cute little lights!
P.S. If you have seen these photos before, it is because I definitely stole them from my seeester!
On the way over the pass!
Ruv himmmm
Love them!
The cute little lights!
YAY for Leavenworth! :) Can't wait until next time!