June 13th, 2014 our little bug turned 1 month!
I will try to do more of these updates as she grows
-Weight: At our last appointment, which was a few weeks ago now, she was 8 lbs 4 oz. She had initially struggled with gaining weight. She was born at 8 lbs 7 oz, and then lost a bunch of weight in the hospital (which is normal, but she was right at the 10% mark where they were concerned that if she lost more, than they would have to think of a backup plan (ie.supplementing). When we left the hospital she was 7 lbs 9 oz. So when we broke the 8 lb mark...that was exciting for us! We have a dr appointment on Friday, so excited to see her progress!
-Health: Besides the struggle with her weight gain initially, she is a healthy, happy baby! She does so good everywhere that we take her, and people always comment on how wonderful of a baby she is!
-Sleep: The very first night that we were home it was a struggle. She HATED her bassinet, and just wanted to be in her car seat the whole time. We had read so many horror stories of how you are NOT supposed to let your kid do that. Well, we decided after that first night, that we needed a Rock and Play. It is basically a chair, that sits her at an incline (mimicking the car seat) and kind of cradles her just like it too. We found one on Craigslist at SUCH a good price, in near perfect condition. We have been hooked! She sleeps so good! We start doing her bed time routine around 8 pm. We will lay down with her to do tummy time. Then, Tim will take her to bed, keeping the lights low and not talking to her at all. He will change her, and feed her/rock her to sleep. Swaddle her, then set her down in her Rock and play with her noise machine going, give her a paci if she wants, and then walk out of her room. She usually fusses a little bit if the paci falls out. We will go in and give it back to her without saying a word. She then normally sleeps until around 4:30 ish. Which at that time, I will wake up, feed her, change her, and put her back down. Where she then **usually** sleeps until around 10am. The first few weeks she would wake up around 1am, and then go down until around 5am...and we would follow the same routine. We feel so blessed to have such an amazing baby.
Social: We have been on several outings. I understand wanting to "shield" little one from germs, but I can't just sit at home. I get cabin fever really bad, so anywhere we want to go, we just pack up the little one and head out. We have been told that we are so relaxed as first time parents, and honestly I feel like that is a small fraction of why she is such a good baby. Children seem to mimic their parents behavior (to an extent) and we are pretty relaxed about everything. Harlow seems to be too. We have gone to the zoo, and to Portland. We go on walks every night, and during the day when I am home alone with her, we usually walk anywhere we need to go. This helps me feel less like a caged animal and more like myself.
Diet: We are doing both breast milk and supplementing with formula. Breastfeeding was not so much working for us. So I decided to exclusively pump and if I was not keeping up with her demand- then I would supplement with formula. This has been a struggle. I feel like people are so judgemental when it comes to things like breastfeeding and the like. Every family/baby/mommy is different, and for awhile, I felt like if I didn't absolutely LOVE breastfeeding, than I would get commentary like I wasn't trying hard enough, or just keep with it and you will love it. No. I did not like it one bit. I didn't feel like it brought Harlow and I closer, I would feel resentment and avoid feeding because of how badly I was in pain. I went to 4 different lactation consultants, and just felt like I couldn't ever really do it to where it was comfortable. Pumping still hurts but at least she is getting breast milk. And that is all I am going to say about that.. Rant over :)
Clothes: She is still in newborn clothes- however, some of her newborn clothes are getting a little tight. They were so big for so long, but now I am finding that some of the clothes that I had held off on putting her in because they were too big, are now getting a little snug. All brands are different though, but she is mostly still in newborn clothes. She is in Size 1 diapers as well. I thought they were running a bit big on her, however, I found a newborn size diaper in her diaper bag and put it on her, and it was definitely too small! I can't wait to put her in some 0-3 month clothes....she has the CUTEST clothes in that size bracket.
Baby Gear Love: Of course the Rock and Play...we use that every single day! We also love her Soundspa Sound Machine. We have been using the Avent bottles and seem to really like those ones for the amount of milk that she has been getting. Also, the Mam pacifiers are her favorite, and her Chicco Keyfit 30 carseat and strollie we seem to use every day, and the stroller is so easy to push and take around.
Crying: She is more awake now than she has been during the day. I noticed yesterday, that when she didn't go down for a nap, she was so tired and cranky by around 3pm, that she would not stop crying. Queue me swaddling her...and by golly she was out within 5 minutes! She is SUCH a good baby, and usually only cries for a little bit when she does tummy time, when I put her in princess outfits, and when she is hungry in the middle of the night.
-Likes: 1 month old Harlow LOVES her Pacifier. She has formed quite a bond to it. She also loves her dog Sullivan Louise. Sully has really decided that Harlow is "her baby". She watches over her when she sleeps, and sometimes in the morning I will go into Harlow's room and Sully is just laying by her bed. She will come get me if baby starts to cry. Gotta love that girl. She is such a good big sister. She loves it when her daddy holds her, she just seems to calm down. She loves her Rock and Play, going for walks seems to calm her down. She loves her car seat, and of course milk!
Milestones: What a difference 1 month makes! She has started to follow us with her eyes around the room. She rolls over onto her back when we put her on her stomach for tummy time! Such a smart girl we have. She also has given us a few smiles which I think are from us being funny...not just gas for this little one! I am so excited to watch her grow. She can also lift her head up for small periods of time- and is making a few more noises than just crying!
Postpartum: Well the first 2 weeks I lost 30 lbs! Oh gosh, it felt heavenly! I still have about 20 more lbs to go until I can safely say that I am back at pre-baby weight. I have already felt such a difference in my energy level. I am still recovering though from my surgery, and have yet to get the go-ahead to be able to work out. I think all this walking though has been so good for me, and Harlow. I feel so much better, and I am looking forward to be able to work out and run like I was before I got preggo.
Looking forward to: I am so excited to be able to start going on hikes with this little one! We bought an Ergo carrier, and it arrived today, so I am excited to test that out and be able to go out like we used to! I am also looking forward to seeing her grow, I feel so blessed to be her mama. I love watching her daddy with her, it makes my heart burst! Looking forward, to my doctor appointment on Friday to get the go-ahead to work out and see how far I have come form her birth until now. I feel like a different person, but excited to see this weight fall off. Can't wait to have my body back, even though it will take some time, I am happy with my progress so far, and can't wait to be back there eventually.
Newborn to 1 month to compare..
I was going to try and pretend this was newborn...and compare it to the 1 month in the chair...however this is actually like 2 weeks...sooooo there is that. I was living a lie..
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