I have a few stories to talk about on my bloggy loo as of late...but don't really want to take the time to post pictures right now...so instead...I am going to play this game..called 20 questions..or maybe its 100...don't judge me, I find these things fun....like when everyone had myspace. HAH. Those were the days.
Enjoy loves
- Are you young at heart, or an old soul? I would definitely say a little bit of both!! I love to bake people things and knit and go to garage sales and would much rather stay in then go out, but at the same time..I love me some carving pumpkins, making gingerbread houses, going to the parks to swing, and LOVE...and I mean...OBSESSS about all things Disney
- What makes someone a best friend? Being loyal, and making an effort to be a part of your life. I have had this lesson come up recently, and definitely found out who my true friends were/are. They of course have been by me through thick and thin..and I heart you for it bitches :)
- What Christmas (or Hanukkah) present do you remember the most? That gosh dang camping set my pops got me when the broski and I were little. We came downstairs Christmas morning and Papa Amos had set up a tent for me, complete WITH a lantern and a sleeping bag. He was convinced that my brother and I would just be floored..and it was cool, but I don't think the reaction he was hoping for. I wanted a Barbie sleeping bag...and I got a black one. Cool? OR...it could have possibly been the Power ranger Power wheel that we got...it was a Power Ranger Green Jeep...jealous? Yeah..it was all cool until I got it taken away because I ran over Cameroonski in it...umm he fell?
- Tell me about a movie/song/tv show/play/book that has changed your life. I don't think any song or anything has really CHANGED my life perse..but def have given me insight...well and of course movies like Waynes World and Big Lebowski are life changing...obvs. The dude abides.
- Name one physical feature that you like about yourself, and one you dislike. I heart my blonde hair....it is natural and apparently I am never supposed to dye it because my stylist will go ape shit? And...I do appreciate zeee eyes. Dislike? Umm...Probs my arms and body...but Im working on my fitnessss
- Would you like to reconnect with any friends you’ve lost contact with? HAH. Umm...well..one definitely not...but the others where we simply lost touch..of course :) I miss them and feel bad that I let my busy life get in the way, and get all caught up in it.
- What’s more important in a relationship: physical attraction or emotional connection? I am going to sound like a sap..and say emotional? Looks fade with time..but there has to be something there initially...as superficial as that sounds
- Name a movie that you knew would be terrible just from reading the title. Not another teen movie. BOOM.
- What holiday do you most look forward to? Christmas and Halloween...Yeahhhh buddy. I love dressing up and scary and haunted things!!! And Christmas because it makes me so happy, the whole Shaaa bang...not really the material aspect of it..but going and having Scrambled Egg Surprise at Nanas...Gingerbread Lattes, Rudoph, and Yukon Cornelius!! And of course..Santa pictures with Sully, where she dressed like a reindeer. Oh gosh..I could probs go on! Oh and Christmas Shopping.."You can't see the line..can you Russ?"
- How is the relationship between you and your parents? Pretty good..getting better of course. I am not the type to call mum and pops on the daily...but I do love when we do talk!
- You’ve got the TV on, but you’re not really watching. What channel is the TV on? You bet your sweet ass it is..It is actually on Adam Ferrara Stand up comedy.
- Name a song that never fails to make you happy. "Where Im From" Jason Michael Carroll
- You know at least one person named Michael. Tell me about him. We went to high school together, and then actually had a class together at BCC back in the day...he is cool...but don't really know what he is up to now!
- Have you ever read the “missed connections” on Craigslist? Have you ever posted one, or wanted to? Haha YES!!! I always wonder if I was ever listed..like maybe they caught my eye in traffic and now they think I am their lost love? I have DEF never posted one...haha I would be afraid to..all the creepy creepsters..."I sure did lock eyes with you...at 26th and park..."
- If you could pick anywhere to live the rest of your life, where would it be? I really love the Snoqualmie Valley...it is weird to say that...because when you are growing up there..all you want to do is leave..and now...I miss home :(
- Can money buy happiness? Nope, but it can buy you a yacht that takes you right up to it
- Do you drink? Smoke? Do drugs? Why, or why not? Drink seldom...no smoke no drugs...does not sound appealing
- Is there anyone close to you that you know you can’t trust? You don’t have to give names. Yes.
- Where was your favorite place to go when you were a little kid? Disneyland!! Weird..some things never change :)
- Have you ever spent a night in the hospital? Nope...that ish creeps me out!
- Do you enjoy being with only one or two friends, or with a large group of people? Being with one or two friends...they get me...and we usually have things that only we find funny...its probs for the best..trust me :)
- Do you like the type of music your parents listen to? Do your parents like the type of music you listen to? I like most music they listen to...however there is only so much STAR 101.5 a girl can take before she wants to stick new sharpened Ticonderogas in her ears. FACT. Parentals do not like rap however Papa Amos, did like South Park Mexican...Odd.
- Have you ever been bullied? Have you ever bullied anyone else? Not really bullied no...there were a few instances....I never bullied anyone else..that shit sucks...I was a bitch however. Its totes diff.
- If you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? If I didn't have to worry about calorie content and being a beluga whale that has yet to join her pod I would say Fettucini Alfredo....with wine...but if I did...then strawberries
- If your partner wanted to wait until marriage before having sex, would you stay in that relationship? Good god. Ummm...sorry about your luck?
- Do you believe in a god? Of course.
- Of all the social networks in the world, why use Tumblr? I don't even know what the fuck a tumblr is unless you put rocks in and they get shiny?
- What’s your favorite Tumblr tag to track? I am going to pretend it is a rock tumblr...and say geods.
- Would you call yourself/your family “middle class?” Yeah...if Duvall had a Caste system? hah
- Name a TV series you didn’t enjoy until after it ended. Friends and Sex and the City
- Have you ever bought a product from an infomercial? Umm yes.. haha I didn't dial the number though...I bought it at the As scene on TV store...like the chocolate fondue set to make candies...still have not used it...and the giant cupcake pan...which has been made.
- If you could give up your car and never have to drive again, would you? Definitely..if I could bike everywhere..or ride a horse everywhere I totes would
- If you go back to one point in time to give advice to yourself, when would you go and what would you say? I would say...don't be friends with that hoe bag....look at her record...she is dirty, and has no friends...and you don't need her. She will bring you down and steal your AAA lockouts...
- What’s your “quirkiest” habit? I am super OCD about some stuff, and can NEVER leave something unless it is finished. and I LOVE calendars. Like seriously obsessed 8 calendars in my apartment and 2 at my desk at work. Dont hate
- What is “normal?” Are you normal? Far from norm. I am unique.
- Someone close to you is dying. You have the choice to let this person live for 10 more years, but if you do, you cause the death of 10 strangers. You don’t have to see them die. Do you take the offer? Wow that is super selfish of me. Umm...yes?
- What is one thing you could never forgive? If you EVER hurt an animal. I will kill you.
- Would you rather be in a relationship after the honeymoon period ends, or be single? Be in a relationship as long as you are still happy. I don't ever expect the honeymoon stage to last forever.
- Is it possible for guys and girls to be just friends? I am naive and shall say yes.
- Where do you and your friends go to hang out? Well here in Monmouth...things get a little cray cray. I am going to say Lenoras Ghost is a popular choice...but if its my friends we keep it classy and go to Crush Wine bar.. MM :)
- Write the first paragraph of your obituary. Morbid questions I love it!! Rebekah Noel Amos (or Bekah) was a beautiful soul, friend to all large and small, left this earth Friday..due to blunt force trauma of the cranium. (the matter of death MUST be explained at my grave and obit...for all the morbid peeps like me.
- What is the best TV theme song ever? Brady Bunch..LOVE me some Bradys.
- When you were young, what would you dream you would be when you grew up? An Orthodontist....not too far from what I still want to be...a dental hygenist..or a librarian..that was the other choice
- When you’re alone in your own home, do you walk around naked? As soon as I get home from work these pants come off!
- What gets you out of bed in the morning? Food. And Coffee, and Sully..oh and work
- Do you want to have more friends than you have right now? Not necessarily. I want to have that one best friend..that you go to with EVERYTHING.
- What part of the past year sticks out in your mind? Going to Hawaii, finding out who is shitty, and all the fun times I have had with my other friends and amazing guy.
- You win a scratch-off lottery game that gives you $2000 a week (after taxes) for the rest of your life. Do you keep your job? Probs not...I mean..I would prob work part time...and go to school to learn..and then just travel travel travel!
- Could you be in a long-distance relationship? If you’re in one, what makes yours work? Not for very long...they suck :(
- What’s the best route to your heart? Spend time with me...and tell me sweet nothings EVERY DAY...like its gotta be constant..and always tell me how beautiful you think I am...**Swoon**
- Have you ever met someone through the internet, then met them in real life? Haha yeah...we won't get into that.....13 year olds make the best choices?
- What is your favorite sport? Drill team?
- What has been troubling you lately? Still this friend drama...I should not care..but I have a huge problem with people using me..and then claiming that I used them...So I used you...to mooch off me? Yep Yep..that makes sense. And just trying to figure out school stuff and money..that is stressful.
- Did you enjoy your high school prom? If you haven’t gotten there yet, do you look forward to it? If you didn’t go, why not? Oh prom..you were alright. My senior prom was at the ballard locks...I had a super cute dress and my hair was perfect.it was a good night :)
- What do you use more often: your intuition or logical reasoning? Logical reasoning..I have a hard time making up my mind on what my intuition is telling me.
- Do you know what makes you happy? Wonderful friends, man, and Chug, oh and Nemo..and Disney
- Tell me about the last book you read. I am reading "We Need to Talk about Kevin" it is about a kid who shoots up his school, super dark...but having a hard time getting into it.
- What is the nicest compliment you’ve ever been given? You are very wise, and caring, and sweet.
- Who was your first crush? I had 3 boyfriends in preschool...I think ones name was Travis...we LOVED Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...like LOVED them..and he shared his Squeez-it with me.
- Do you believe that there is life on other planets? Went to the UFO Festival kids...what do you think!? :) It is naive of us to think that we are the only ones...think of all the galaxies!
- Predict what your life will look like a year from now. Hopefully in school, with 2 pugs, love of my life by my side, and back home
- Often, people will ask how your last relationship ended. I want to know how it began. Spanish class in high school, did not know his name...thought it was Jose... nope..sure wasn't.
- Where is your favorite place to go out and eat? Well..you all know how I love Red Robin..but other then there..I love Purple, and Matador..and this super cute Crepe Place in Salem.. MMm
- What is something you want to change about your current situation? Money..would be nice.
- Early bird or night owl? I like waking up early, but not TOO early..and sometime I like staying up..it all depends.
- Are there any childhood possessions you still hold on to? My little boo bear...it was the teddy bear I had ever since I was born...
- Give me an unpopular opinion you have. I hate kids.
- What was the last song that was stuck in your head? "Belle" From beauty and the beast
- Where do you live? Be as general or specific as you want. Independence, Oregon. Yay?
- Do you believe in giving kids medals and trophies for participation? No...they have to figure it out sooner or later that you can't always win
- What was the longest car ride you’ve ever taken? Probs to San Francisco...we Amos's didn't get out much.
- Have you ever taken part in a protest? Umm no...what does this do?
- Would you ever use an online dating service? Hahaha sorry folks..this one is not for me.
- What is your ethnic heritage? Norwegian Bitches
- Describe a person that inspires you. Many people inspire me to be better.
- If you earn minimum wage doing what you love, would you? No...Min wage..does not pay the bills...unless it was a side job
- Do you believe in luck? I believe in Karma...and its a bitch
- Describe the last time you were very angry at someone. Refer to January Blog post..I am still furious.
- Do you want to live until you’re 100? No...they smell at that age like they are rotting from the inside out...why do old people smell? When I am old I am going to smell like Chanel No 5.
- Do people change? If so, how do you keep a relationship together when both of you start to change? Just learn to accept and love them for who they are..and yes they do change.
- Have you ever risked a friendship by telling someone you liked them? Sho' nuff
- Would you rather be alone doing something you enjoy, or doing something you don’t like with your best friends? Doing something alone. I have NO problem doing things by myself..like shopping. I LOVE shopping by myself.
- Do you practice what you preach? Most of the time..unless it comes to job stuffs lol
- If you take precautions to stay safe, do you ultimately act more recklessly? Haha this question confuses me.
- What do you value more in a significant other: Attractiveness or intelligence? I value intelligence more...but if you aren't bad to look at that is cool too.
- Are you hard-headed? I am never wrong...so I have to be.
- Have you ever laughed uncontrollably when it was socially inappropriate? Oh em gee..,I laugh in uncomfortable situations..like when people are crying...and at funerals. God..I don't mean to be insensitive..and I do really feel bad...but I can't help it.
- When have you felt most alive? The way I feel now.
- Would you prefer to live? A city? The suburbs? The countryside? The mountains? The mountains please..in a cabin...where nobody can disturb me.
- Do you often skip breakfast? NEVER
- How do you know what true love is? When you want to share your coffee heath bar crunch with him.
- Would you want to know the exact date and time you were going to die? Probs not...I would be super Psycho OCD about it...and not live in the moment
- Where is “home” for you? Washington.
- What song best describes your life right now? "My Highway" Jason Aldean
- Do you want to be perfect? No... I am a perfectionist though..so it is hard.
- What have you never tried, but would really like to someday? What’s holding you back? I would like to try all sorts of outdoorsy things.but can't because I have no money...le sigh...someday.
- How do you express your creativity? I love to bake...and scrapbook.
- Describe your neighborhood. I will describe my hood back home. Picture a Cul-De-Sac..where everyone is super close knit..after everyone comes home from work, they all trickle out of their houses to the picnic table in the middle of the cul-de-sac...everyone is friends, the adults have beers and talk about their days at the table while the kids ride bikes, skin their knees, play cowboys and indians, climb trees in a place of the woods call the jungle cruise, make boats out of their dads bow hunting targets and sail them in the stormwater storage pond. Where rubber boots with sweat pants are the preferred choice, and moms make grilled cheese and kool aid for lunches. Where everything is shared, and we all pile into the neighbs station wagon for weekly trips to the library. There were fights, hair pulling, scratches, sand thrown in eyes, rocks to the face, and unkind words, but at the end of the day we were all friends. There were 12 of us. We went on camping trips together, Fourth of July celebrations, and Sledding trips in the winter time. We never had to lock our doors, we were safe. This was my childhood...I can't even explain to you, how these guys will always, always have a special place in my heart. But yes..that was my neighborhood, and Ih ope that someday, my kids can grow up in a place just as awesome as that.
- Name something you only liked because it was popular. Pogs. There I said it.
- Give me the story of your life in six words. Charming, Adventure, Love, Loss, Safe, and great?
If you made it to the end..I applaud you. I love you all times PI.
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