Tuesday, February 4, 2014

26 week Bump Date

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along: 
26 weeks and 3 days!
Size of baby: 
According to The Bump, Baby GIRL is the size of a head of lettuce! Oh my little Lechuga. (That is Spanish for lettuce for all you non-Spanish speakers.)
Maternity Clothes: 
Same as beforeall pants maternity, trying to see what dresses still fitthey are getting shorter and shorter it seems. I went through another round of my clothes and packed up some more to continue to get ready for this little girl. At the rate I am going, she is going to have more clothes than me. And for those of you that know me and my closetTHAT is hard to beat
It’s a GIRL! See previous post about Gender Reveal. Squee!
More and more every day! When we were watching the Superbowl game (SIDE NOTE: Did you see my Seattle team kick some serious.. Donkey,err Horses ass?) but anyway during the game she was kicking up a storm and I was actually watching my sweater move..it was the weirdest thing! She loves the Hawks already! Good thing, because Mama Carolyn has already bought her a Seahawks hat and slippers for next football season.
About the same as before, some nights are better than others. Last night I seriously slept like a rock! I dont know if that is a good thing or a bad thingbecause I didnt even get up to go pee! Maybe that means I should have drank more water..but for now..I feel well rested! Woot.

What I miss: 
The same things as before. Winemostly. Not like im a HUGE wine-o normallybut I love getting to be able to stop by a wine tasting on a lazy Saturday, have a plate of cheese and grapes with my man and a nice glass of Pinot.Soon. I will Soon.
Orange juice! Oh my goodness, anytime I have it, it is like heaven in a glass! I cant describe to you how amazing it is. Haha, I am not a huge O.J. drinker normally, but for some reasonthis baby LOVES it.
Just the little sea monkey kicking me every which way, and the last few days she has been up under my ribs. Umm thanks baby, but can you please remove your toes from mamas rib cage? And my back still..but that is not AS bad as it was before.

Favorite Moment This Week: 
For Timothy’s birthday (more on that later) We went out on a boat with the girls and went crabbing and fishing. Even though the trip wasnt SUPER successful (read: 2 Dungeness Crabs), it was so fun to be on the boat with the girls, and Shammy was SO cute with the traps and crabs. She came to realize that the little orange floaty things in the water meant that dad was going to bring up a trap soon, and she would start to scout them out. She was so intrigued by these little sea spiders and she wanted nothing more than for us to keep one for her as a pet. SorrySoooley, not right now. Mildred Jean was cold and so she stayed bundled upbut I will post pics of that later. Also had our 26 week appointment, and we have to start coming in every two weeks, which just seems surreal!! I cantbelieve we are getting down to the wire here..i mean I know I have like 3 months to go, but it just feels like im in the home stretch.

Worst Moment This Week:
Not a whole lot. I mean my back pain of course, and she keeps kicking my ribsand that does not feel so nice.

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