Thursday, February 20, 2014

Chim-A-Chee's Dirty 3-0!

So for Timothy’s birthday, I wasn’t sure what to do because it was his 30th! Which meant that even though we are trying to save money and such for this little bebe, I felt like I needed to go all out, AND it is his first birthday that we are “together”. I had all these extravagant plans because when it is your loves 30th you go all out right?? RIGHT! Well he quickly put the kibosh on said plans because he knows that we need to save and such! I like to celebrate Birthday weeks, and so that week I hid little surprises in his car every morning before he went to work. I thought I was being sly, but he kind of caught on by the 2nd day. Well anyway, that being said the 31st was a Friday, and we both had to work (Boo!). I started off the day saying I wasn’t feeling well and I needed to stay home for a couple of hours in the am. After he went to work, I drove to Eugene (yes I know that its like an hour away) to pick up an Edibile Arrangement for him. I made them do something cute with chocolate covered strawberries and pineapple and all sorts of things. (No picture apparently). Then I brought said arrangement to his work to surprise him! He was blown away!

Then later on that night we went to Tokyo Steakhouse (YUM) And met up with his dad and step-mum to celebrate! We had a delicious din and I surprised him again with an ice cream cake from Coldstone!
Cook us some chicken, bro!


THEN, the very next morning we woke up early and drove to Depoe Bay (the Coast) because I had rented out a little motor boat that we could take out and he could go fishing and crabbing!! It was so much fun AND we were able to bring the girls. We packed little picnic snacks and just had so much fun. We didn’t catch any fish unfortunately, and only caught 2 crabs, but we had such a good time! We rented from Siletz Moorage and if you ever have an inkling to take a boat out, they are the just the sweetest and most accommodating.

Happy Birthday to the lurv of my whole life

Mildred Jean and I tried to bundle up where it is warm. How cute is she?!

Sully was so cute, and she would seek out the crab traps and get so excited to "help" dad with them

Tim and Sully doing all the work, while Mildred and I sat back and ate snacks


A little Us-Sie

Chim tried to do some fishing...

My sweet little Millie-Pie

My girl having the best time EVER

After our fishing and crabbing excursion we were starving so we packed up and even though had dinner reservations at 5:30, ( we didn’t end up waiting), we went to dinner at Kyllos! We had a really good meal, Tim had a crab stuffed salmon, and I had a Caesar salad with shrimp on the side and a really delish scallop pasta! I love LOVE love fresh seafood and it was so nice and relaxing to be able to have a nice dinner with my man. After that, we made the lazy drive home and watched a movie. The end to a most perfect day!


  1. Ooooh the dirty 30!! Yay! Happy belated bday to Chimmy!

    1. Haha :) He says Thank you!! And that we need to see you yesterday.
