Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Cray Cray!

So the days leading up to Chistmas were absolutely insane in the membrane...(insane in the brain)!
So the day that I got back from Hawaii, we had to make the journey from Bellingham to home because that is where we flew out of! I stopped by to pick up Sully and spend some time with  her, I wish I had her reaction to my homecoming on video, it was the cutest thing I have probably ever seen. She flipped her shit! Seriously...and would not leave me alone for HOURS. Well anyway, I basically had to pick up my baby, and then go to a dentist appointment to get some fillings done. Oh joy.
I was definitely dreading this appointment, because I knew this was coming...normally when it is just a cleaning, you know there is a possibility that you can come out unscathed. But I knew I was going down.

I went to my appointment, got all numbed up just in time for the ride home!
I drove home to Oregon pretty much right after that, because I knew that I had SO many things to do.
I was baking about 10 different types of cookies and making these little magnet boards for people as presents. And stressing and trying to figure out what I was going to get for the rest of the people on my list. Fortunately, Christmas was small, my mom had even said that it was going to be small, and they weren't really planning on getting us anything but money.  Hmm okay, I can handle that.

So basically the next few days I was trying to get everything together and wrap presents and bake. I would go to work, and then come home and bake cookies until like 1 or 2 every night. Oh my gosh. Long days! Unfortunately, I do not have any pics of the fruits of my labor.

I was able to quickly pose with my Santa chug for a picture

Santa Chug and my tree

Aren't we sweet

Lights all aglow!

My window with my snowflakes-kitch a mess. UGH

So I don't really have any pics on my camera of Christmas itself, unfortunately they were all my Droid.
But it was wonderful. I came home on the 23rd, and spent Christmas Eve with my family. We went and saw Sherlock Holmes, and went to Red Robin and planned on going to Snowflake Lane after our movie. I was freaking exhausted, so I kept falling asleep in the movie. Just as I was nodding off again, the fire alarm went off! We had to evacuate, and so that delayed our movie-so much so, that we missed Snowflake Lane, which made me sad because I wanted to go so bad! Luckily though for us, the theatre did not burn down.

After the movie, we went home and snuggled up in our beds while visions of sugarplums danced in our Okay maybe not.
Well anyway, woke up the next morning and had Christmas morning with  my dad and my brother. It was wonderful, I got so many amazing presents. I was not even expecting! I even recieved Willy Wonka Collectors Edition, which is something I have been lusting after, for quite some time!!
Then we went to my grandmas house and had Christmas morning with her per usual fashion. She made us scrambled egg surprise of course. It was lovely! So wonderful to see them.
After that we packed up the Yari Yari and went and spent time at my mums house. You know how I said that she didn't want to get us presents, only money? No, she completely outdid herself, and got us presents, and wrapped them in money. No big deal right? After this Christmas, my brother and I were ballin. My mom is a G it is fine.

After Christmas we enjoyed a lovely dinner, and just relaxed for the evening with the dogs. Cammy and I left and then just went home and kicked it. Overall, it was amazing night. Can't believe I got to share my Christmas with so many amazing friends and family that love each other so much.
No snow...but I suppose everything else made up for that :)

Love you all times pi

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Hawaii Day 8- Saying Goodbye to Paradise, and Hello to responsibility

Ugh. Where do I begin! Waking up in Paradise, knowing that tomorrow I will be waking up in a completely different place that is cold, and dark, and grey. Why would I choose to leave this tropical sunny place? Oh yeah..because life happens, and at some point, I knew I was going to have to get back to reality. Some point, I was going to have to trade in my sandals and bikinis for sweaters and rain boots. Not only, is the cold there to greet me when I get home...but the stress of the holidays. For now, there is only 6 days until Christmas day, and I have done ZERO shopping, and planned on making my gifts this year. MAKING.THEM!! When did I ever think this was a good idea? Ugh.
My head must have been in the clouds..for sheez.

So anyway, back to paradise for now..

Today we had to wake up and get all packed up because we had to check out of our rooms by the check out time. Even though we have a red eye flight and plan on spending our day at Aulani, we still needed to be checked out, because the busy season for them has started! I guess from this day forward, until after New Years, they are just INSANELY busy. Which makes sense, families wanting to get away for the holidays and such. We noticed a difference, in just the time that we had been there. When we had first arrived, it was pretty quiet, and you could get a chair by the pool no problem. These last 2 days we were fighting tooth and nail to get a chair, let alone, many chairs all seated together.

We got all packed up, and then had to take our bags to basically be left at concierge until we were ready to go. Which basically meant, keep everything with you, change of clothes, swimming stuff, and everything, because you will need it to change and get ready for the airport. Luckily, Disney has built a room for such occasions as this, where they have bathrooms and showers with lockers, so if you need to check out, but your flight does not leave until later, you still have amenities to be comfortable until you leave. So the day was spent at Aulani, just by the pool and beach of course. It was wonderful to soak up some last minute rays.

We had to start getting ready to leave for the airport around 5pm. We went and took turns using the showers and getting ready, and then met up at the local bar for some food. I guess they were having some troubles with their kitchen, so only select food was available.
Some funny quotes of the evening:

Paul finding out there is no french fries,
"NO FRENCH FRIES!?!?, Running out of French Fries is like running out of water!"

Oh and me being pushed into the water:
"Please don't push me into the water, I don't want to get attacked by the Jellyfish testicles.
"tentacles bekah..I ithink you meant tentacles"
Oh gosh.

Some last minute pictures in paradise

So after dinner, we drove to the aiport and kissed our temporary home adieu until next time.
Thank you Aulani for being our home for the last week, and welcoming us, and being so wonderful.
I will miss you, and Hawaii and Pele...Please keep it safe for us, and we shall return soon.
We boarded the jet plane...and said goodbye to our tropical vacation.
This vacation was so needed and so relaxing after the years that we have all had. I am looking forward to Christmas and going home, but not looking forward to the stresses that come with it. I am having to drive home to Oregon this next day, and go to a dentist appointment, and get ready for Christmas, and make things and bake and oh my gosh! Crazy season!!
Now: Go time.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Hawaii Day 7- Another day at the beach

So since we were nearing the end of our tropical vacay :( BOO. We decided to pretty much spend the last few days basking in the sun, and trying to work on our tans before having to return to worky work. The sun had not been out the WHOLE time we were there, so we just needed to soak in some rays before we went back to Washington/Oregon...where we knew we are not going to be seeing any Vitamin D for awhile.

Unfortunately I do not have any pics of this last FULL day, because we basically lounged by the pool and beach, got drinks, and food delivered to us. Lounged in the lazy river, watched a few weddings, tried to adopt this kitten that was laying down by the beach (turns out it is a heck of a time trying to get him back to the states, so unfortunately, did not suceed). And basically just being lazy and trying to do anything..but think about home and work and the whole crazy thing. It was so nice to just not have to do anything...but let me tell you..the day went by EXTREMELY quick. Sad. I was not ready to leave paradise...which fortunately for us...we still technically had another full ish day ahead.. but we were taking the red eye the next night, and had to be checked out of our room, so it definitely wouldn't be as relaxing as this night was.

We had come to the conclusion earlier on in the week that we wanted to go to a Luau, before the trip ended. We looked into it, and it was pretty expensive, so did not think that we would get the chance to go. Luckily for us, we found some coupons, and it ended up being super affordable! And was within walking distance to our hotel, so we didn't even need to drive! We got all gussied up, and headed on over. I was excited because I got to wear this dress, I have been DYING to wear for over a year, but had no place of wearing it to..of course! A Luau! Why Didn't I think of that!?!

When we arrived at the Luau, they gave us Mai Tais, and that was just the beginning. They gave us drink coupons where we were allowed to get 2 free drinks, and if you wanted a little more fancy of a drink then a tequila sunrise, then you woul have to pay a few dollar more. They  had a ton of things going down before the show. Lei making, and bracelet making, Hawaiian tattoos, which are basically painted on...I got one of course, and the guy that did mine, asked me where I was living. I told him Oregon, and he was like wow that sucks..haha I know bud..I know. He said people were mean there!! So funny because I have been saying that since I got here, but everybody always tells me how nice Oregonians are..I have not seen it. Silly Billys.
My tattoo

Excuse the fat arms and twisted bra strap

So as the sun started to set in paradise, I took the opportunity to snap some pictures...

That was basically all the pics I have of the night...I got too tied up in all the delicious food, and drinks and just wonderful amazing show. The show was everything I hoped it would be, and although this was the one thing we were not really sure about doing, I think most of us agreed that this was our favorite thing that we did.

Such a perfect evening to wrap up our vacation in paradise. We went home and tried to pack up some things and started to say goodbye to the place we had called home, for about a week.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Hawaii Day 6- Hike to Diamond Head

So today, after breakfast, we packed up and decided to head out to hike Diamond Head Point. We heard that it has amazing views, and it is a fairly easy hike. After talking with one of the hotel concierge people, he had said he has even seen some asians hike it in heels. Haha not recommended. So we made the journey to Diamond Head. We wanted to go early, because if you wait to go too late in the day, I guess it is a pretty popular spot, so it just ends up getting crazy busy. Which..yeah...we no likie!

So we got there, and we started up the mountain. It was pretty easy, until you reached nearing the top and it starts getting a lot more strenuous...and then at the very basically have a squillion flights of stairs to the top to navigate. So, Yes, a high touristy area..but wonderful all the same..

We overheard this guy tell us, that the day before some guy put his kid on his shoulders and then totally ate it coming down the stairs, and I don't think he died..but he got seriously honestly..what are you thinking!?! You weren't...Obvs.

Anyway will tell it best..

Pretending to die...I didnt.

On our way up!

Abandoned stuff

So populated

A rainbow for my picture!

More abandoned things

The peak from the bottom

After we did the hike, we wanted to basically have a beach day...but the parentals wanted to go to this Hilo Hattie place...they had been raving about it all the days..Turns is like Hawaii threw up in this store..seriously every cheesy Hawaiian tacky thing/typical souvenir you can think of..was thrown into this shop.
Just to get a glimpse...
The worlds largest Hawaiian shirt

Ugh totes Vom.

They even had these hula girls in blue tinsel glistening hula skirts, dancing to Mele Kalikimaka..really!?!
And they had these things where you pick your oyster...and then they ring a bell, make you yell ALOHA!! as they "bless" your pearl, and then they open it and see what color you got. I had to do it..I wanted my pearl dammit..and I got a pink pearl. Boo. I wanted a black pearl.

Anyways, after that, we were basically donezo with all of the shopping and stuff, and we wanted to just eat dinner and hang out by the beach. So that is exactly what we did, and just kind of kicked it the rest of the night.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Hawaii Day 5 Character Breakfast & Surf Competition

So being that we were staying at a Disney resort, of course we had to attend a character breakfast!! I fell in love with character breakfasts when Jason and I went to one in Disneyland. They are so amazing, especially for the Disney freak, like myself. You get a delicious breakfast, with amazing food, and you get to meet the characters-Win.Win.
So we decided to try out Aulanis' character breakfast. We were not able to secure a reservation, but we got up super early and were basically the first ones down there to try and get on a wait list. We succeeded! They told us that they were not sure, and we would only get in, if a family cancelled. Well lo and behold our names were called first! We were the first ones into the character breakfast, EEK!!
So this one is really cute, because they have this sweet old Hawaiian lady come around and dance and sing while she plays on her ukelele. When you first come in, she stops you and tells you about her secret recipe Hawaiian Sweet bread, and gives you the recipe, then you get your picture taken with Mickey, and then proceed to your table.

Early morning at Aulani

Still dark!

Just some flowers they keep at the front desk for your hair, mine would never stay!

I joined the side that loves Disney for breakfast

Totes Adorbs.

Minnie Mouse wears Hawaiian dress..of course she does

Please forgive the ick factor was early...but I was definitely double fisting the drinks

I am not sure what the point of this picture was..but I think we were stealing pastries for the day

After breakfast, we decided to head to the North Shore, because they have been having competitions for the Eddie Aikau surf competition. In order for the wave to be suitable for the "Eddie" it has to reach a minimum of 20 feet. They have only held this surf competition 8 times total, because of how high the swells have to be. They only invite 28 surfers, and a jet ski is not allowed to tow you out to the waves. Pretty dangerous if you ask me!! But they have been having "Eddie" type waves, so we went to check it out.

Unfortunately, no Eddie waves were to be had, but they still had pretty big waves, and plenty of surfers to boot! We went to this first beach, and there wasn't a whole lot going on. We didn't spend a ton of time here, but when we left the waves were definitely picking up!

Here are a few pics of this beach...

Starting to curl...


My little foot prints

Makes me want to watch Blue Crush

Since the waves were not very big at this beach, we decided to head over to Turtle Bay because we heard there were a lot more surfers there, and that the waves would be bigger then what we were experiencing here..
This is what we saw..

I would be so nervous to be out there!

Just like in the movies

Seriously amazing. Some of those guys are so fearless, I am so jealous...hopefully I can be like that someday! After walking by some of the surfers that had been out there, I over heard one of them saying that the waves were crazy that day, and he was suprised not one person had been injured yet..Yikes!!

Watching all that surfing made us work up an appetite. We went to Kua Aina Burger and Sandwich shop. This place is seriously amazing!! I guess they have one in Japan too! But anyway, these burgers are GINORMOUS!! I could not even put my mouth around it..and they put WHOLE avacados on your burger. I wish I was kidding! Seriously so amazing. It was delicious! MM I am craving one now. No pics, because I was wanting to eat my burger so bad.

After we went to Kua Aina, we decided to walk around a little bit at the few shops they had there to settle our food and do some shopping a little bit. I didnt see anything I couldn't live without...oh except for Hawaiian shaved ice...with the ice cream in the middle!! Seriously...MMM.. So we of course had to stop. I got 3 flavors in mine, Cake Batter, Strawberry, and Orange. If that doesn't sound amazing, I don't know what does. So we had that, then were pretty much ready to take off for the day. The rest of the crew wanted to stop by a few surf shops to look around, but Amanda and I just waited in the car.

After we left the North Shore, we came home, went to a not so yummy Teriyaki dinner, and then pretty much went to sleeps.