Monday, December 12, 2011

Hawaii- Day 2- Pineapple paradise!

This morning we woke up and decided to just lay by the pool and the beach for most of the day. I don't really have too many pictures of such an event, because well...what else is there to say, or take pics of...besides our sexy selves in our bikinis. Hah.
We were going to do some stand up paddle boarding, but the weather was kind of iffy. It would be completely sunny and wonderful, and I am not even kidding you, like 2 minutes would go by...and we would get completely drenched in rain. Of course it was warm rain! But rain nontheless. So we didn't want to go in the ocean for such an occasion.

Since we weren't going to do the paddle boards, we decided since we had to go into town to get some groceries, that we would go to the Dole Plantation! Yum! I am a HUGE fan of pineapple...AND, the Dole plantation is the only place in the world, besides Disneyland and Disneyworld that you can get Dole Whips! Which for those of you who do not know my love of Dole is detailed in my Disneyland well as a picture. They make me slide off my chair, and do cartwheels and vom rainbows and shit. Yeah..that good.

Totes Amazeballs.

So we packed up in the ol' Jeep, and drove to the plantation which was about 30 minutes or so away from our hotel.

Yay we are here! And decorated for Christmas. Love Love.

We got there a little bit late in the day, and since the weather was iffy, they shut down the maze, which apparently is the largest, or one of the largest mazes in the world! Cray Cray!!
So we decided to just take the train tour where you go around and tour the plantation and see where the little slices of heaven are grown.

Here is a little bit of our fun in the beginning..

Straight up Gangsta

The tops of some pineapple!

Him a Yittle guy

Well hello Young Prince

I don't know which way to go

I don't even know...

Here we are...

We have been workin hard

I like to hula

She does too...


She played upon a ladle...I mean..ukelele


Here comes the train!

Watch out boys, she'll spit you out.

Shes a beaut.

He clearly has been working all day

So we boarded the train, and it took us through the plantation and went through the beginning stages of growing the pineapple to actually packing it and shipping it off to the pineapple plants. It was about a 15 minute tour.

They also grow other things at the plantation like my other favorite...


And of course pineapples!

Christmas decorations with a giant pole in the way...classic

After we departed our train, we went to the gift shop..where we got dole whips!! Of course...and my camera was not really working at this moment in time, so sadly no pics of the joyous occasion.
However, it was working for my Hawaiian name key chain. Apparently Rebecca (misspelled) in name would be Lepeka.
Has a nice ring to it? Yeah I didn't think so either.

This was the view right outside the plantation, couldn't help but snap some pics :)

And then it was time to take the trip back to our hotel because we were getting hungry for din.

Driving by the base...this made me happy.

This was abandoned...and you know how I am with abandoned places!!

After we drove back home and made some taco delicious...and then basically hung out and played catch phrase. Um...for those of you, who have not played this game. Please do. It is amazing, and so much fun.

Then we went to bed to prepare for another amazing day.


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