Let me start off with this post saying, I was not exactly excited to be going to Hawaii. I know that sounds like spoiled bitch talking, and bitching and complaining, but to be honest: The Christmas season is my MOST FAVORITE season of ALL TIME, and we decided to take this vacation right in the middle of it all. READ: HELLO STRESS!! Trying to get ready for Christmas AND Hawaii, was NOT.FUN. Let me tell you. I know you are probably thinking oh woe is you, but seriously...it was really hard to actually get excited for this trip, and of course, with little to no stress, even more of a challenge. Anyway though.
So the family and I decided to take a trip to beautiful Oahu, and stay at Aulani, the brand new Disney resort and spa from December 10th-19th. Aulani just opened up on August 28th, so it is SUPER new, and super gorgeous, and us being vacation club members, OF COURSE we had to check it out!!
So I drove up to Washington on Friday the 9th, because we planned on flying out of Bellingham, the next day. Fortunately, I had packed up all my stuff the night before, so I was ready to go!! You all know how I am with packing, so this was a HUGE accomplishment for me. The next day we packed up and drove to Bellingham to fly out of their TINY airport there. I have never been to Bellingham, and definitely want to check it out one of these days, but their airport was seriously laughable. I guess I have never seen something so tiny...heh..well..I digress.
We ate something small at the airport, and then headed for our flight, which was to leave at 6pm that night, and arrive at Honolulu Airport around 10pm or so. It took us seriously all of 10 mins to get through security. I am telling you this place is tiny.
The one (and only) check in.
Amanda and I taking it all in.
We boarded, took a little flight, maybe some sleep, and woke up in Honoluluu! YAY!
Got our luggage, and first stop was to get our vehicle. We were told that they had rented us a Ford Escape *Boo, I could ride in one of those at home* but when we got there, Lo and behold, we got a White Jeep Wrangler. Woot.
Again, transferred our luggage from shuttle to Jeep, then set off to find Aulani. Oh My Heavens. WHAT A FREAKING CLUSTER.
I don't really care to divulge the conversations...ahem arguements that went on in that 15 minutes, but lots of yelling, and cursing the Uturns, and I am pretty sure I learned a few new words that night, Just saying.
So we arrived at Aulani, and they greet us, by giving the girls leis, and the boys got Kaikui nut necklaces, and we just took a few picutres of how pretty this resort is.
Down one of the hallways in the lobby-all decorated for Christmas
And another
Had to get one with my lei
I guess I liked the wreath in this picture?
One of the chandeliers in the lobby
Prob worst pic of me in the history of all picture taking. Take note.
OH my lanta, the attention to detail is amazing. They have 2 sides to the resort, one portraying Ewa, a Hawaiian Goddess, and the other side (Can't remember the name but it is portraying a masculine God). On the feminine side, the architecture is all smooth, and rounded and softer edges, and the colors and music playing is very soft. On the masculine side, the edges are sharp, and more harsh. It is just crazy. Definitely love the attention to detail that Disney puts into their resorts.
After we explored the hotel and the pool area and such, we dropped our things off at the room, and decided to go grab something to eat, which was also a cluster, because we had to get back into the car and try to nav our way to some grub. We finally found 1 thing that was open, not delicious by any means. We headed back to the hotel and then decided to just walk by the beach a little bit.
We were walking along the beach, when someone tried to push me in. I yelled, "Don't push me into the ocean, the jellyfish will try to get me with their testicles", "Ummm I think you meant tentacles" AHH FML. Why do I always give the fam reasons to tease me. No bueno! I should probably think before I say these things. FUnny thing is, they sound right...at the time. Blast me.
Anyways, after then got tucked in for our 1st full day in paradise.
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