So today we were SUPER DUPER excited because today, we were going on a kayaking adventure! Basically, what they told us we were supposed to do, is get there around 9:30 ish, and then they would take us by kayak to this island, and then come back, eat lunch, and then go snorkeling at this other beach!
So we had to drive out to this place which was on the complete opposite side of the island, so it took some time to get to. The whole drive was beautiful though we drove through many a green mountains, while it was definitely pouring, we were concerned that our kayak adventure would be spent in the torrential down pour! Lucky for us, it was spotty, but still got rained on a few times! So after we signed our waivers we waited around a little bit for everyone to get there. Perfect time to take some pictures...
Good thing no one cut the strings...that would be unfortunate
We had to place our belongings that we did not want to get wet in the "Tuff Sack" My maturity level says this is funny
The crew...or the sibs and I
And we're off! We had to take turns pulling our kayak (around 1-2 miles) to this little lagoon/slough thing, to get to the ocean. Those little buggers get heavy after awhile!
You needed muscles to get this party started
And the trade off
I am proud of us
The little lagoon where we had to take off from
So after we pulled our kayaks to this little lagoon, we had to row ourselves to this little beach, and then from the beach we were able to be pushed off into the great wide ocean! Kind of scary if you ask me..I kept thinking a great white was going to come and nom me. He didn't.
We got poured on a few times as we were trying to get our boats into the water. We had 2 guides, Ashley, and some other dude, that was really super funny. He had moved here from Georgia, about 5 years ago...came on a vacation to a buddies house, fell in love with it, and decided to stay! He was a total hipster/surf/beach bum. In love.
Anyway, after we made the venture across the vast ocean..we arrived at this island that they call "Bird Island" Well..because I guess when the settlers first arrived, it was covered in bird shish..or poop. But now, since it is covered in is not anymore. It is now a "bird Sanctuary". If I would have known we were going to an island where birds consider a sanctuary, I probably would have bailed. I hate birds, they creep me the heck out.
But anyway, when we were there, there was not much birdage going on. When we got there, they gave us a little snack, and then briefed us on the history of the island. We then got to walk around (its pretty small), and it is covered in this green stuff that is actually edible. It is called "Kuli-Kuli" Don't remember what it means, but I ate some. I guess some people put it on their salads..I just thought it tasted salty. They also were there to take pictures, and tell us stories. I guess there is this old island legend, called Pele's Curse. So if you take anything from the island, like a shell or sand or anything like will be cursed, because Pele does not want anything to be taken from her island. Apparently, even the post office recieves stuff back from unmarked packages with sand and shells and stuff inside them. Maybe they were cursed by Pele. Who the heck knows! But I sure as heck was not taking any chances.
Here are some pictures from the island...
Here are those damn birds...
Yes, Yes we know...very interesting
The island we came from
Off to the other side
Beautiful water
I think my goal with this pic was to get the surfer riding the wave?
The Kuli Kuli! I ate this
Is that blue sky?
Cliff hanger...or just a rock
Put a bird on it
Surfs up dude
Just me and my wave
A hole I found exciting?
A "Queens Bath"
So anyway, that was basically the island. After we had snapped up enough pictures, we headed back to the shore. We kind of took our time, which was kind of nice since we were so rushed getting into the island. We just kind of mosied, and then of course, had to walk the 1-2 miles back.
Some other shit went down here...where basically I don't really want to discuss because it will just piss me off, but let me just say, that someone lost their temper at me...for him not telling me exactly what he wanted me to do...and just telling me what to do. I am sorry, NO ONE, tells me what to do. It is just this thing that I have called stubborness. But I will flip the shit, if you tell me that I need or should have been doing something..especially if you go about it, in the way this person did. But needless to say, because he was a snapperooo, It kind of ruined the rest of my time.
But anyway, after we drove our kayaks back to the place, they gave us these voucher things to grab pizza next door. I am not even kidding you...when I say this..but they give you 1/4 of the pie. and these are HUGE pizzas...they even have a sign explaining this. Haha so funny. So anyway, that was good, and then we picked up our snorkel gear, and ended up having to drive to this beach that was not very far away, to go and snorkel. I wasn't really up to snorkeling from the episode that had happened earlier on in the day, but was excited to get more beach time, and to see all these SUPER cute houses that are camped out on the beach. Love it. I could just live there on the beach, with Sully, and be happy. I already have my house picked out...I am pretty sure that if I make the owner an offer he cannot refuse, he will not turn me down. So clearly, it is happening.
We didn't stay at the beach too long because it was kind of cold, and we all hopped into the water to snorkel, but the reef was so close to the surface that I kept getting scraped and kept worrying that my wounds would attract some great white creatures. Once I got out to the deep end, my fear was that since we were snorkeling over some caves, I was concerned with what was in those caves! Yikes! I think I may have been watching too many movies!
But seriously...just when you least expect it. NOM.
Anyway, after that, we were all pretty exhausted from the day. We decided to go home, and just make Spaghetti, it was pretty good...and then headed to bed for the night.
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