Wednesday, November 20, 2013

13 Week Bump-Date

November 1st, 2013

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along:
13 Weeks Yesterday! (Yes I know, I realize I skipped a week)

Size of baby:
According to The Bump, Baby O is the size of a Peach!

Maternity Clothes:
Nothing maternity clothes just quite yet. Jeans are super uncomfortable so have stopped wearing them entirely, still trying to fit my big can into my work pants with a bella band…but just trying to find what fits in the am. Early mornings trying to find things for work usually end in a melt down..but meh. Found out at the doctor that since the last appointment I have gained 4 lbs…not as much as I had thought..but still heavier than I have ever been in my whole life!

I feel like I base the gender on the foods that I eat, and since I crave meat and potatoes…then I am assuming it’s a boy this week, that shall probably change.

I am told that it is coming up! Baby is the size of a nothing yet!

Again, about the same. I am still sleeping pretty well…really like a rock. But I know that will change…I get up about once or twice a night to pee…but sound as a rock before then

What I miss:
I miss Ham sandwiches, and over easy eggs…also since the holiday season is coming up, homemade egg nog is apparently a no-go. Enter: Sad Face. 

Just potatoes…and meat.and ham. Always.Freaking.Ham..

I am feeling well, I had a few headaches, but nothing that a little Tylenol couldn’t fix! But I am feeling less tired, and besides getting grumpy over not fitting into anything, I am feeling great! And…to all the girls that apparently they didn’t gain anything or they lost weight in their first trimester…I.Hate.You. I didn’t gain a ton..but some people are like “Oh, I can’t even tell that im pregnant at 16 weeks”…oh Bite me.

Favorite Moment This Week:

We finally told my brother..and his reaction (which is why I actually adore him..) “OH you got an ole’ mishap in the Womba?” Haha yes Kid, you are going to be an uncle. And then followed by, “ Whens the lil bastard kickin himself out”. Hah. It is only funny if you know him I suppose, because he will be the best uncle ever, and that isn’t how he really feels, he is sensitive and funny and kind. I digress…We told him the day before Halloween, so that was pretty fun and of course we both absolutely love Halloween, so that was also exciting. We went out and bought some candy, but had absolutely ZERO trick or treaters. I guess that is what you get for living in Felony Flats, nobody wants to come out to your hood. Even when we took the dogs out though, there were hardly any trick or treaters, which I feel is strange. Of course, back home, everyone and their mother and dog and hamster were out and about…but I have never lived in Corvallis, so I guess most people go during the day….which is odd. Safer, I suppose. Will probably tell my dad next week,…Yikes! I am not expecting him to be over the moon, but mostly quiet,…which the silence scares me. I don’t really know why, because that is his personality. Once the little bugger is here, grandpa mode will kick in, and he will either have a little buckaroo or a princess to spoil! ALSO...we had our appointment yesterday to check up on the little sea monkey. When they were rubbing the Doppler over my stomach/womba, they couldn’t find a heartbeat. Which honestly, was quite scary. I had just seen the episode of Sister Wives where the same thing happened, and they were both freaking out…Tim and I just looked at each other like…” Oh my god, what if this little guy/gal isn’t in there?” Ah Yikes! Oh but not to fret, it worked in our favor because the dr brought out the ultrasound machine, and they were in there. It was amazing to see, the little sweetheart was kicking, and punching the air, and grabbing its foot, fist pumping  and tossing and turning. Sorry that my uterus isn’t comfortable enough for you? Ill work on that. It was amazing…just to see this thing that resembles a human just going nuts-o. Absolutely adorable. Clearly, he/she gets their dance moves from their dad…stuntin’ like mah daddy…
So, because the little babe was moving so fast they couldn’t get an accurate heartbeat (Rating?) I don’t know what its called, but all in all, baby is healthy and ravin’ about.

Worst Moment This Week:
Probably not finding the heartbeat at first, the doctor said that it’s completely normal just because baby is still small, but still scary. Can’t wait to see him/her again!

Looking Forward To: Telling the rest of the family, and our next appointment. Love seeing their growth. And Christmas is coming!

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