October 1, 2013
Pregnancy Highlights
How Far Along:
8 weeks 5 days!!
8 weeks 5 days!!
Size of baby:
According to The Bump, Baby O is the size of a Raspberry!
According to The Bump, Baby O is the size of a Raspberry!
Maternity Clothes:
Not yet, I am thinking Im going to have to go and get one of those Bella Bands pretty soon. I about had a meltdown when even my fat jeans wouldn’t fit…is this normal?
Not yet, I am thinking Im going to have to go and get one of those Bella Bands pretty soon. I about had a meltdown when even my fat jeans wouldn’t fit…is this normal?
Both the Mister and I feel like it is a boy..but of course, we will be happy with either! Per the Chinese Gender calendar on the bump, this little nugget is a boy! We shall see!
Both the Mister and I feel like it is a boy..but of course, we will be happy with either! Per the Chinese Gender calendar on the bump, this little nugget is a boy! We shall see!
The baby is the size of a Raspberry…probably not.
The baby is the size of a Raspberry…probably not.
About the same I am still sleeping pretty well…really like a rock. But I know that will change…I get up about once or twice a night to pee…but sound as a rock before then
About the same I am still sleeping pretty well…really like a rock. But I know that will change…I get up about once or twice a night to pee…but sound as a rock before then
What I miss:
Ham. I miss Ham.
Ham. I miss Ham.
Still wanting that GD Ham sammich. Seriously…I can almost taste the ham and cheese and olives and mayo and mustard combined in my mouth….mMMM I want one so bad….but Tim would have heart failure if I ate one. Ugh… Must.Want.
Still wanting that GD Ham sammich. Seriously…I can almost taste the ham and cheese and olives and mayo and mustard combined in my mouth….mMMM I want one so bad….but Tim would have heart failure if I ate one. Ugh… Must.Want.
Same as before, starting to feel a little bit better. However I am SO freaking exhausted. Like, get me out of work, slip into some sweats and pass out at 9:30 exhausted. I am also nauseous, not as much as before, but it just comes in waves. I think I am becoming more and more sensitive to smells..
Same as before, starting to feel a little bit better. However I am SO freaking exhausted. Like, get me out of work, slip into some sweats and pass out at 9:30 exhausted. I am also nauseous, not as much as before, but it just comes in waves. I think I am becoming more and more sensitive to smells..
Favorite Moment This Week:
We got to see the little bean!! So amazing! And confirmed that Heyyooo yeah, you have a little babe in there! We had our first appointment today! I was super nervous because of all the blood work I was told you have to do, and testing, and hey you are going to put that WHERE?!? But it turned out okay. We got to hear the heartbeat at I think it was 150 beats per minute! We both kind of started to tear up a little bit. The doctor said that surprise, you are actually further along then you thought!! 8 weeks 5 days to be exact!! Wow…we thought that we were barely getting into week 7! Exciting though, because hopefully I will start feeling less like crap, and have more energy than I do now. Also, got to see baby…and it even kind of looks like one…we were both shocked. Doctor told us also that baby is healthy, strong heartbeat and we should be able to find out the gender around December 22. SQUEE! Right before Christmas! The parents are going to have a conniption! We also completed the blood work, and oh my gosh…I don’t think Poor Tim knew what he was getting into. Of course, no lab test is complete without full on ugly cry, tears, snot you know the works. Of course, it is never as bad as I rationalize in my head..but that still does not make it any easier. Afterwards Tim was like…”Wow, I didn’t know you were that bad” haha umm thanks babe. I guess no amount of warning can prepare you for that. Good thing he loves me. I do not cry pretty.
Worst Moment This Week:
The blood work for sure. Also, getting so nervous to tell the families. Now that it is legitimately real, we can’t just pretend that there isn’t a baby in there. Im scared to tell my family, because I don’t want them to have a less than favorable reaction. Also, I can’t seem to get enough sleep for the life of me. My bed time is getting earlier and earlier. This week, I went to bed at 8:30!? 8:30!!!! Seriously…what is wrong with me? Am I 5? Ugh.
Looking Forward To: Our next appointment. Even though it is a month away…I can’t wait to see how much this little baby is growing. We also were thinking about going to a few baby stores maybe this weekend and seeing how much things are. I can’t wait to go and pick things out!
Bahahaha the blood work... Yes, hahah