Wednesday, November 20, 2013

7 Week Bump-Date

Sunday September 29, 2013- 7 Weeks


Pregnancy Highlights


How Far Along:
7 Weeks

Size of baby:
According to The Bump, Baby O is the size of a Blueberry!

Maternity Clothes:
Not yet..I feel bloated an my tummy feels fatter, but honestly, its probably just air…not baby yet…but due to the air, clothes feel tighter…
L boo. I definitely need to get some more leggings, since I have a feeling I will be living in them this fall and winter!

Both the Mister and I feel like it is a boy..but of course, we will be happy with either! Per the Chinese Gender calendar on the bump, this little nugget is a boy! We shall see!

The baby is the size of a Blueberry…what do you think?

I am still sleeping pretty well…really like a rock. But I know that will change…I get up about once or twice a night to pee…but sound as a rock before then

What I miss:
Yesterday, we went to the pumpkin patch and they had Apple Cider…You know…the good stuff? The unpasteurized cup of heaven that comes every fall? Yeah…that’s the one. And I can’t have it. L Apparently…even if its heated, it won’t kill some harmful bacteria that could potentially make me sick. So I will have to stick to the stupid grocery store pasteurized kind. Not.Happy. Other than that…I am okay for the most part, I still want a ham sammich…but I about had heart failure when I realized I couldn’t have my Cidahhhh.

Steak and Potatoes still sounds bomb. But really Im just craving a hot bowl of pasta right now. Like Fettucini Alfredo smothered noods, with Chicken and Shrimp. Umm yes? And babe if you could make that fancy pasta you make, with the leaves on top of the noods? Heaven!

Same as before…Boobs so sore…when I take my bra off at night, I almost regret it. No wait…I do regret it. It hurts. Bad. And Im sure that it is nothing like how they will feel later on, but just let me complain for now k?
My nausea is still around, but it comes and goes. I was not feeling so hot yesterday, and was completely exhausted, but it was stormy outside (LLlLLlLL, EXCITING), and it was the perfect excuse to stay inside and watch movies! Also, I have been sensitive to the smell in the kitchen…I feel like it is a musty smell, but Friday after work I immediately had to come in and light just about every candle in our home (Thank you BBW). Tim came home and pretty sure he wondered if a séance had occurred. Sorry love, not being creepy..just the kitchen made me vom.

Favorite Moment This Week:

Loving all of this stormy weather!! EEEK! It makes me feel not so guilty about this baby’s constant demands to make me fat and lazy. Excited for our appointment on Tuesday, Hoping we get to see the sonogram and the little sack of potatoes…or blueberry, whatever the heck it may be.

Worst Moment This Week:
Being so exhausted that I can’t even function. Like honestly, I unpacked one box of winter clothes and I was spent. Sorry babe, you might have to look at those plastic tubs for a little while longer, until I muster the energy to unpack the rest. That used to be a day project for me. I couldn’t even fathom doing the rest. So annoying. Also…I am so scared for the blood work that happens to come with the first appointment. Anyone that knows me, knows I DO NOT do blood stuff…so this should be a joy. I feel bad for Tim…he has to see me in such a condition. Hope you love me

Looking Forward To: To our appointment…Can’t wait to see how real this is. And we should probably compile a notebook of questions to ask at our appointment tonight. Also, telling the rest of our family. We told Tim’s dad and Step mum Saturday night, and they seemed over the moon. I hope the rest of our family reacts the same way.


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