Cuthbert Amphitheatre Eugene, OR
So my favoritest Norwegian friend Alan, aka Thorger, and I, Sigrid, have planned out quite the little number of concerts that we absolutely MUSTSEEORELSEWEWILLDIE!! Alan is leaving for Japan in we basically have to party it up style before he leaves!! kick that off, we went to Kid Cudi, for the Cud Lyfe tour!!! It was at the Cuthbert Amphitheatre in Eugene. Can we just say, AMAZING VENUE!? Like seriously, it was perfect, and we couldn't have picked a better night to go! It was so sunny and amazing, and just warm out. We left right from work, in order to make it there on time, and took the old Yari Yari out for a spin to the big city of Eugene. As we were walking in to the amphitheatre there was a nice little bridge looking out on this stream..sadly no pictures, and hippies selling tie dye and ghanja carrot cake. Yep...typical Eugene Fashion. I thought to myself that if I could make a living selling baked goods at the gateway to concerts...I may have my future calling. Just sayin. If my dream of being a hippie that sells baskets and grows veggies, and lives on the beach were to come true..I might have to add that to my job description as well. I wonder how that would look on a resume? Eh..I digress..
Anywho, so we got there, and we both discovered that we both had forgotten cash, and the beer and wine booths were cash only. Damn us!! I went to the restroom...and of course, the ladys line was a mile long. No bigs. I got a kick out of watching everyones fashion in that place. So funny! It was so fun to people watch. I have never seen so many slut-tastic outfits in my whole life. And half of these girls did not look a day over 14. I felt so old...because in my head I was thinking..Seriously!? Does your mother know you left the house looking like that!? Oh and big booty bitches...can you not wear the shortest of shorts where I can see your jiggly mess and cellulite...ESPECIALLY when you walk right in front of me, and I am sitting down. I do NOT want your business in my face. KThxBye. So anywho, first, there was a girl dj that came on from Portland. She mixed most of her own that was pretty cool. Then Chip the Ripper came on. Alan and I both, had NO idea who he was. After talking to my brother later..apparently he is a big deal...and quite the sav. Who would have thought!? I mean he was good..but I had NO idea..people had actually heard of this cat. You mean there was a reason why people were cheering? I thought it was just to get him off the stage so Cudi could come on. Silly Rapper. But yea...he was quite the "sav" to put it in Cam's words. .Then, after he got off the stage, Kid Cudi came on.and was AMAZING. He played for like ever. Just when I thought he was done...oh wait. nope..more songs...your done yet? Nope...4 more songs..."Are you done yet, because I am getting tired of holding this...'yeah..thats what she said... OH..(Sorry I like to drop a little Waynes' World lines in daily conversation. Not a big deal. EVERYBODY was smoking weed...No joke...seriously was crazy...I did my best not to breathe it in...I think I succeded...however, I was SUPER hungry for snack foods later :) a sign?
It was soo much fun..and we concluded that we must go to more shows here....I don't even think we care what they are..just as long as we can go. In August, 311 and Sublime are going to be there...pretty sure we are going to that is a must :)
Oh yes..and our other concert calendar goes something like this..
June 28- Britney Spears
July 8th- NKOTBSB
July 9th- Darude & Ying Yang Twins
July 22nd- Katy Perry
July 29th- Rush
August 6th- REO Speedwagon
And the list goes on...Oh and of course to end the season out...LMFAO with Ke$ha and Journey with Foreigner :) EEEEK
Love you times PI
Oh and here are a few pics from the evening
Alan and me...oh and look! That bright light..yeah buddy, that is sun :)
Before the mayhem :)
Thorger...why is that girl in her lingerie and chucks?
Sigrid...why are we so thug life all the time?
And rock on...even though its a rap know you love it. :)
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