Sunday, February 12, 2012

I will call him...McGalley Culkin

So for those of you that know me, I am hardly EVER sick...I have never had any surgeries, no hospital visits, no stitches, no disease or illnesses... NOTHING. Pretty much a healthy cat.
And if something does start to bother me, I pretty much ignore it..and it goes away on its own. (Healthy...I know). I don't usually ever go to the doctors because, number one, they are going to do a ton of tests that are not necessary, and 2.) I just don't want to deal with it...

So late November, I started having some pain in my back on my right side, that actually wrapped around my torso and to the front. If I moved certain ways, I would have shooting pain that would seriously take me down. I started having this pain shortly after I had done a hike, so I just thought  maybe my muscles were sore, and I was just hurting from that. Well...the pain kept getting worse and worse..maybe for about a week. I consulted my Timmy about it, since he was graduating from nursing school shortly, and he told me, that sounds serious, you need to get that checked out. That sounds like gall bladder.
Yeah the heck right.

Well, the next day at work I could barely move, and kept having to stop and take super short breaths. Probably not okay. I checked with my supes and they told me that I needed to go to urgent care, and they would let me leave for the day. I decided to go, thinking that they were just going to tell me that I was basically crazy for coming to the dr for muscle pain, and take some advil and chill the heck out.

Um no.

So I explained my symptoms to the nurse, and he was like..oh sounds like gall bladder. .Excuse me...but did Timmy call you up and tell you to say that?! Because...that is ridiculous, I never get sick, and galley can just stay put he is just fine.
The doctor came in, and did a few more checkings of the muscles and what not, and he told me that he thought it could potentially be super serious, and that I needed to get blood work done and an ultrasound, and if those turned out not okay, I need to consult with a surgeon.
Um Excuse me!? Ass Spincter says what!? I am pretty sure you just said surgeon. This girl does not do surgeons, or needles or anything really, I think you have the wrong room.

This was how our conversation went:
Doc: "So yeah, I think you need to get some blood work, and an ultrasound"
Me: "Umm excuse me, where do you think you are taking the blood from"
Doc: "Oh just your arm right there, **pointing to my vein**"
Me: "Um yeah, sorry, but I dont' do that"
Doc: " What do you mean you don't do that?"
Me: " I just dont. You can have an ultrasound, but I dont' give you my blood, that is how this works"
The doc was SHOCKED.. I don't think anybody has ever told him, that they just simply don't do that, and that is the end of discussion.
I showed him.

So anyway, they told me that I needed to go down the hallway and do some ultrasounds.

Freaking scared out of my mind, I walk to the place, and I tell them my name, and the other lady at the front desk, interjects to the lady, Oh yes, her last name is Amos right? Yeah, they want her in RIGHT AWAY.
Cool, Thanks for making me feel like today is my last day on this earth.
So I am freaking out, I can't even think and all I want to do is cry, because I don't do medical things EVER. And on top of that, if I ever do a medical ANYTHING, I MUST have someone with me. I need someone to calm me and sing soft kitty and hold my hand. YOu think I am kidding. But thats the damn truth yo.

So they shuffle me into this dark room for an ultrasound. And I am nervous as shit, because he puts the jelly on my belly, and I am thinking...shit, this is it, he is going to find a baby and my life is over, this is how I am going to find it. I am done for. Haha...I must have been watching too much Teen Mom. But that was all I could think about.. Crap, and theres the heart beat.
Good News, No heart beat.
Just McGalley Culkin.

That is my Gall bladders name in case you haven't caught on. I think it is kind of clever...but yeah..he ran the ultrasound and turns out I have gall stones. Which seems weird because I am not old, and I do not eat a lot of fried or fatty foods, which is normally where they come from. The doctor sent me home with some vicodin, and told me that I needed to consult with a surgeon. I considered it, and when the surgeon called me back to schedule an appointment, I obliged.

However...I never ended up going because I could not make it work with my work schedule. The pain went away after about a week, and I have been pretty much fine ever since. I asked the doctor why it would hurt though all of a sudden, and he said the stones may just be acting up or whatevs.
So, yeah..I think I should still probably go see a surgeon just in case they do act up again, because I need to get them broken up and passed and stuff, but I don't want to have the galley surgery and stuff. That shit freaks me out, and I feel like once you have one surgery, that is is downhill from there.
You can't have just one.
Well anway...that is an update on my health woes...or woe.
Love you all times pI.

Getting all caught up to speed

I have been missing from my blog world for quite some time, I am trying to get back into it, and I will not make fall promises to you all...because I fail miserably..but I will just say that I am trying, and will try to make an effort to be better about this..

Here are some updates from some things you may have missed:


Bad Friends


Mele Kalikemaka is the thing to say

Day 1- Pearl Harbor Memorial

Hawaii Day 2- Pineapple Paradise

Hawaii Day 3- Day of Snorkel

Hawaii Day 4- Kayak Adventure

Hawaii Day 5- Character Breakfast and Surf Competition

Hawaii day 6- Hike to Diamond Head

Hawaii Day 7- Another day at the beach

Hawaii Day 8- Saying goodbye to paradise and hello to responsibility

Christmas Cray Cray


Halloween and other October Happenings