Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Picture Perfect!

So shortly after we found out that we were expecting, we started talking about how to announce it to our friends and family when the time came. We have a few friends that do photography, so choosing just one was difficult! We approached our friend Sarah, because we knew that she had done photography in the past, and she is good at keeping a secret. Since it was so early, we didn't want to tell anyone, but knew that she could bring our visions to life in these photos. Of course, I scoured Pinterest to find ideas, and found a few ideas, and knew that we wanted to have our Romeos on in some of the pictures, and of course include the girls (Sullivan Louise and Mildred Jean) in them. (Since they are going to be big sisters after all!) 

So as always, pictures tell the story best...but here are some of our favorites..Impossible to choose just one!

15 week Bump-Date

I don't know what happened with the 7 week bump date post...but better late than never!

November 20, 2013

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along:
15 Weeks-I know that I am lacking in bump photos..but I swear I will be better about it from here on out!!

Size of baby:
According to The Bump, Baby O is the size of a Orange!

Maternity Clothes:
Nothing yet, just living in leggings on the weekends and dresses for work during the week days!

Everyone keeps telling me it is a girl…so…maybe they are right?! Gah! I don’t know!

I am told that it is coming up! A lot of people first felt baby “flutter” at 15 weeks! Still nothing yet!

Again, about the same. I am still sleeping pretty well…really like a rock. But I know that will change…I get up about once or twice a night to pee…but sound as a rock before then

What I miss:
Over easy eggs, ham, and it is getting really uncomfortable to sleep on my stomach. Sorry Baby

Always Hungry. Hungaarriiiiannnn. As Papa Tim and I like to call it to our girls (Chugs) J

I have so much more energy than what I have been having. UHH mazing! Feels so good to be able to have energy and not be a sloth when I get home from work.

Favorite Moment This Week:

Tim went out and bought me new leggings, Hooray! So that was exciting! I was getting the little double muffin top from my other ones and the stupid tight elastic! Disgusting! Other than that, a few weeks ago, I forgot to mention that I bought a baby blanket at a craft fair. I will have to post pics later. It is so cute, and $15.00 later! Not bad!! I brought it home to Tim and he was equally excited! So that was kind of fun. Also, just getting more and more excited for Christmas and to see my mum! SQUEE! We went to dinner at his parents house the other night and that was so fun to see how excited they are getting and to have dinner with them. I made an apple crisp and everyone loved it! Super fun to just have a family here I get to spend time with. I haven’t had that in a long time, and a 2nd family that is truly excited to see me and spend time with me, I have definitely missed out on that.

Worst Moment This Week:
My back is hurting pretty bad..I will be fine and then BAM-O…limping the rest of the way. I wish that it could be fixed…but I have a feeling it will only get worse. And then last night, I had freaking heart burn. Lovely. Maybe the little babe will have a full head of hair…which would be adorable.

7 Week Bump-Date

Sunday September 29, 2013- 7 Weeks


Pregnancy Highlights


How Far Along:
7 Weeks

Size of baby:
According to The Bump, Baby O is the size of a Blueberry!

Maternity Clothes:
Not yet..I feel bloated an my tummy feels fatter, but honestly, its probably just air…not baby yet…but due to the air, clothes feel tighter…
L boo. I definitely need to get some more leggings, since I have a feeling I will be living in them this fall and winter!

Both the Mister and I feel like it is a boy..but of course, we will be happy with either! Per the Chinese Gender calendar on the bump, this little nugget is a boy! We shall see!

The baby is the size of a Blueberry…what do you think?

I am still sleeping pretty well…really like a rock. But I know that will change…I get up about once or twice a night to pee…but sound as a rock before then

What I miss:
Yesterday, we went to the pumpkin patch and they had Apple Cider…You know…the good stuff? The unpasteurized cup of heaven that comes every fall? Yeah…that’s the one. And I can’t have it. L Apparently…even if its heated, it won’t kill some harmful bacteria that could potentially make me sick. So I will have to stick to the stupid grocery store pasteurized kind. Not.Happy. Other than that…I am okay for the most part, I still want a ham sammich…but I about had heart failure when I realized I couldn’t have my Cidahhhh.

Steak and Potatoes still sounds bomb. But really Im just craving a hot bowl of pasta right now. Like Fettucini Alfredo smothered noods, with Chicken and Shrimp. Umm yes? And babe if you could make that fancy pasta you make, with the leaves on top of the noods? Heaven!

Same as before…Boobs so sore…when I take my bra off at night, I almost regret it. No wait…I do regret it. It hurts. Bad. And Im sure that it is nothing like how they will feel later on, but just let me complain for now k?
My nausea is still around, but it comes and goes. I was not feeling so hot yesterday, and was completely exhausted, but it was stormy outside (LLlLLlLL, EXCITING), and it was the perfect excuse to stay inside and watch movies! Also, I have been sensitive to the smell in the kitchen…I feel like it is a musty smell, but Friday after work I immediately had to come in and light just about every candle in our home (Thank you BBW). Tim came home and pretty sure he wondered if a séance had occurred. Sorry love, not being creepy..just the kitchen made me vom.

Favorite Moment This Week:

Loving all of this stormy weather!! EEEK! It makes me feel not so guilty about this baby’s constant demands to make me fat and lazy. Excited for our appointment on Tuesday, Hoping we get to see the sonogram and the little sack of potatoes…or blueberry, whatever the heck it may be.

Worst Moment This Week:
Being so exhausted that I can’t even function. Like honestly, I unpacked one box of winter clothes and I was spent. Sorry babe, you might have to look at those plastic tubs for a little while longer, until I muster the energy to unpack the rest. That used to be a day project for me. I couldn’t even fathom doing the rest. So annoying. Also…I am so scared for the blood work that happens to come with the first appointment. Anyone that knows me, knows I DO NOT do blood stuff…so this should be a joy. I feel bad for Tim…he has to see me in such a condition. Hope you love me

Looking Forward To: To our appointment…Can’t wait to see how real this is. And we should probably compile a notebook of questions to ask at our appointment tonight. Also, telling the rest of our family. We told Tim’s dad and Step mum Saturday night, and they seemed over the moon. I hope the rest of our family reacts the same way.


14 week Bump-Date

November 10th, 2013

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along:
14 Weeks- Yay 2nd Trimester!

Size of baby:
According to The Bump, Baby O is the size of a Lemon!

Maternity Clothes:
Nothing yet,  still just trying to find what is working in my closet…which doesn’t’ seem like much these days!

Everyone keeps telling me it is a girl…so…maybe they are right?! Gah! I don’t know!

I am told that it is coming up! Baby is the size of a lemon…coming soon!

Again, about the same. I am still sleeping pretty well…really like a rock. But I know that will change…I get up about once or twice a night to pee…but sound as a rock before then

What I miss:
Still Ham…UGH When will this obsession stop? Can’t Listeria just go away, so mama can have some ham? Seriously…effecting my lifestyle. And being able to fit in my clothes without them hurting me

Nothing really…just always freaking hungry. I want like 3 breakfasts, and 2 lunches and about 7 dinners. And even when I am full, I still need food…it is getting out of control.

Nothing so much this week, besides just always wanting food....but my exhaustion is going away! Hooray!

Favorite Moment This Week:

Favorite moment would be getting to go home this past weekend for my brothers birthday. Not like I was super exciting or anything, but we had a surprise birthday dinner with my brother for said birthday at the local watering hole, Ixtapa. I miss that place and their salsa so damn much. The owners actually have a couple locations in Oregon as well, which is super random, because it is a small family business, but they just don’t hold a candle to the OG in good ole Duvall. So, that was fun, having din with my brother and his girlfriend, Salina, and my nana and my father. Then we just kind of hung out the rest of the weekend. Side Note: My brother got a puppy for his birthday. A little Chocolate Lab named Lucy, talk about CUTE! We just snuggled her all weekend and bought her some swag, since he literally had  ZERO toys for her. Also, my brother’s girlfriend being super excited about my expanding belly was really sweet. OH and also, told my dad. Again, like what I expected, very quiet about it. But we talked later, since I had a feeling maybe he said some un nice things, but he was just shocked..which I totally get. The girl who did not want kids at all..and hellooooooooooo bump! Surprise! Big news! Haha. And then my nana didn’t say anything..which I also kind of expected…but I bet she won’t be able to be silent for much longer when my bump gets giant at Christmas J
ALSO!! Announced it via Facebook, which of course, I will have a separate post on that around here, somewhere when I get around to it. And announced it to work… which was pretty fun. I think that people I work with had a sneaking suspicion, but when it was confirmed they seemed excited and it was fun to read everyone’s well wishes.

Worst Moment This Week:
I don’t think we have one. We had such a good week/weekend. My back has been starting to hurt. Annoying! But other than that…amazing weekend over all.

 And some pictures from this weekend:

13 Week Bump-Date

November 1st, 2013

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along:
13 Weeks Yesterday! (Yes I know, I realize I skipped a week)

Size of baby:
According to The Bump, Baby O is the size of a Peach!

Maternity Clothes:
Nothing maternity clothes just quite yet. Jeans are super uncomfortable so have stopped wearing them entirely, still trying to fit my big can into my work pants with a bella band…but just trying to find what fits in the am. Early mornings trying to find things for work usually end in a melt down..but meh. Found out at the doctor that since the last appointment I have gained 4 lbs…not as much as I had thought..but still heavier than I have ever been in my whole life!

I feel like I base the gender on the foods that I eat, and since I crave meat and potatoes…then I am assuming it’s a boy this week, that shall probably change.

I am told that it is coming up! Baby is the size of a nothing yet!

Again, about the same. I am still sleeping pretty well…really like a rock. But I know that will change…I get up about once or twice a night to pee…but sound as a rock before then

What I miss:
I miss Ham sandwiches, and over easy eggs…also since the holiday season is coming up, homemade egg nog is apparently a no-go. Enter: Sad Face. 

Just potatoes…and meat.and ham. Always.Freaking.Ham..

I am feeling well, I had a few headaches, but nothing that a little Tylenol couldn’t fix! But I am feeling less tired, and besides getting grumpy over not fitting into anything, I am feeling great! And…to all the girls that apparently they didn’t gain anything or they lost weight in their first trimester…I.Hate.You. I didn’t gain a ton..but some people are like “Oh, I can’t even tell that im pregnant at 16 weeks”…oh Bite me.

Favorite Moment This Week:

We finally told my brother..and his reaction (which is why I actually adore him..) “OH you got an ole’ mishap in the Womba?” Haha yes Kid, you are going to be an uncle. And then followed by, “ Whens the lil bastard kickin himself out”. Hah. It is only funny if you know him I suppose, because he will be the best uncle ever, and that isn’t how he really feels, he is sensitive and funny and kind. I digress…We told him the day before Halloween, so that was pretty fun and of course we both absolutely love Halloween, so that was also exciting. We went out and bought some candy, but had absolutely ZERO trick or treaters. I guess that is what you get for living in Felony Flats, nobody wants to come out to your hood. Even when we took the dogs out though, there were hardly any trick or treaters, which I feel is strange. Of course, back home, everyone and their mother and dog and hamster were out and about…but I have never lived in Corvallis, so I guess most people go during the day….which is odd. Safer, I suppose. Will probably tell my dad next week,…Yikes! I am not expecting him to be over the moon, but mostly quiet,…which the silence scares me. I don’t really know why, because that is his personality. Once the little bugger is here, grandpa mode will kick in, and he will either have a little buckaroo or a princess to spoil! ALSO...we had our appointment yesterday to check up on the little sea monkey. When they were rubbing the Doppler over my stomach/womba, they couldn’t find a heartbeat. Which honestly, was quite scary. I had just seen the episode of Sister Wives where the same thing happened, and they were both freaking out…Tim and I just looked at each other like…” Oh my god, what if this little guy/gal isn’t in there?” Ah Yikes! Oh but not to fret, it worked in our favor because the dr brought out the ultrasound machine, and they were in there. It was amazing to see, the little sweetheart was kicking, and punching the air, and grabbing its foot, fist pumping  and tossing and turning. Sorry that my uterus isn’t comfortable enough for you? Ill work on that. It was amazing…just to see this thing that resembles a human just going nuts-o. Absolutely adorable. Clearly, he/she gets their dance moves from their dad…stuntin’ like mah daddy…
So, because the little babe was moving so fast they couldn’t get an accurate heartbeat (Rating?) I don’t know what its called, but all in all, baby is healthy and ravin’ about.

Worst Moment This Week:
Probably not finding the heartbeat at first, the doctor said that it’s completely normal just because baby is still small, but still scary. Can’t wait to see him/her again!

Looking Forward To: Telling the rest of the family, and our next appointment. Love seeing their growth. And Christmas is coming!

11 week Bump date

I know what you are thinking...well that escalated quickly. Lets just blame it on the pregnancy brain,...Can I do that??
Well I am going to... and I have completely spaced and of course..not taken any consistent pictures...nor posts..but I am trying!

Tuesday October 22, 2013


Pregnancy Highlights


How Far Along:
11 Weeks- Holy crap where has the time gone?

Size of baby:
According to The Bump, Baby O is the size of a Lime!

Maternity Clothes:
Not full on maternity clothes yet, but about a week ago Tim made me pack away the items of clothing that were obvious were not going to fit much longer. Goodbye Mermaid dress
L But I guess its good that I won’t have these pretty things hanging up that just depress me more because I can’t wear them. Tim also bought me a bella band so I can wear my work pants and skirts for a little bit longer because I had another fat pant meltdown.

I think this week we started to think it was a girl, I don’t really changes all the time.

I am told that within the next few weeks we might start to feel stuff. The baby is the size of a little lime, for some reason that makes it more real then say…a prune like last week

Again, about the same. I am still sleeping pretty well…really like a rock. But I know that will change…I get up about once or twice a night to pee…but sound as a rock before then

What I miss:
I still miss ham. And my morning coffee. The doctor said that I could still have some coffee, however coffee is linked to a fussy baby, and that is something I DO NOT want to have. I get cranky with no sleep, and I know All my mommy friends are like “OH my god, just you wait”. Haha I know it is coming…cranky pants…watch out. 

Still wanting that GD Ham sammich..I might have to sneak one. Ugh.. oh my heavens. And this week I really wanted popsicles. Tim and I went out at like 9:30-10pm and bought some fruit bars that were pretty much heaven.

Starting to feel better and better. IM not as tired as I was…I still am..but hey I can at least make it through the day! Also, my pants are tight…and Im starting to wear looser clothes…but the bella band is helping. Im not as sick as I was. However, Tim recently got a Coho Salmon (Yeahh babe!) But decided it would be wise to toss the carcass of said fish into a plastic bag into the trash. Well fast forward a few days, and I went to throw something away. One whiff of that sucker and I ran inside and threw up for 10 minutes. Lovely. Just lovely. Thanks Babe. Lol.

Favorite Moment This Week:

So many favorite moments this week! I finally told my mum about the little guy or girl, and she was just over the moon. Couldn’t have been more excited. So of course, that is infectious, because she went and told my stepdad and members of my family and they are all really excited for us. Tim’s mum was also just over the moon, so excited and just can’t wait to become a grandparent. I love it. I love all this excitement. I still need to tell my dad and my brother, but besides from that, everyone we care about, that should know at this stage will know. Also, Tim and I went to celebrate his grandma’s 85th birthday this past Saturday. We went to the Spaghetti Factory in Portland and so go to meet up with some members of his extended family. It was so fun to be able to see everyone ( I kind of met most of them back in July for his cousins’ wedding) but happy to see everyone and also share our big news! Everyone seems genuinely excited and can’t wait to know what it is, and to meet the little babe.

Worst Moment This Week:
Feeling like I was in my first few weeks again due to throwing up over the rotten garbage can. Ugh..and for some reason, I keep sneezing like every few minutes. Im not sure if allergies are kicking in, or if it is a little head cold.

Looking Forward To: Our next appointment. Stepping into my 2nd trimester and hopefully having more energy to do things. Also, actually looking forward to getting a “bump” instead of “Wow, you have really gained some weight, how many helpings of dinner do you ACTUALLY eat!?!”



8 Week Bump-Date

I know, I know I promise pictures will come soon because this little belly o' mine is growing like a weed...but for now...

Tuesday October 1, 2013


Pregnancy Highlights


How Far Along:
8 weeks 5 days!!

Size of baby:
According to The Bump, Baby O is the size of a Raspberry!

Maternity Clothes:
Not yet, I am thinking Im going to have to go and get one of those Bella Bands pretty soon. I about had a meltdown when even my fat jeans wouldn’t fit…is this normal?

Both the Mister and I feel like it is a boy..but of course, we will be happy with either! Per the Chinese Gender calendar on the bump, this little nugget is a boy! We shall see!

The baby is the size of a Raspberry…probably not.

About the same I am still sleeping pretty well…really like a rock. But I know that will change…I get up about once or twice a night to pee…but sound as a rock before then

What I miss:
Ham. I miss Ham. 

Still wanting that GD Ham sammich. Seriously…I can almost taste the ham and cheese and olives and mayo and mustard combined in my mouth….mMMM I want one so bad….but Tim would have heart failure if I ate one. Ugh… Must.Want.

Same as before, starting to feel a little bit better. However I am SO freaking exhausted. Like, get me out of work, slip into some sweats and pass out at 9:30 exhausted. I am also nauseous, not as much as before, but it just comes in waves. I think I am becoming more and more sensitive to smells..

Favorite Moment This Week:

We got to see the little bean!! So amazing! And confirmed that Heyyooo yeah, you have a little babe in there! We had our first appointment today! I was super nervous because of all the blood work I was told you have to do, and testing, and hey you are going to put that WHERE?!? But it turned out okay. We got to hear the heartbeat at I think it was 150 beats per minute! We both kind of started to tear up a little bit. The doctor said that surprise, you are actually further along then you thought!! 8 weeks 5 days to be exact!! Wow…we thought that we were barely getting into week 7! Exciting though, because hopefully I will start feeling less like crap, and have more energy than I do now. Also, got to see baby…and it even kind of looks like one…we were both shocked. Doctor told us also that baby is healthy, strong heartbeat and we should be able to find out the gender around December 22. SQUEE! Right before Christmas! The parents are going to have a conniption! We also completed the blood work, and oh my gosh…I don’t think Poor  Tim knew what he was getting into. Of course, no lab test is complete without full on ugly cry, tears, snot you know the works. Of course, it is never as bad as I rationalize in  my head..but that still does not make it any easier. Afterwards Tim was like…”Wow, I didn’t know you were that bad” haha umm thanks babe. I guess no amount of warning can prepare you for that. Good thing he loves me. I do not cry pretty.

Worst Moment This Week:
The blood work for sure. Also, getting so nervous to tell the families. Now that it is legitimately real, we can’t just pretend that there isn’t a baby in there. Im scared to tell my family, because I don’t want them to have a less than favorable reaction. Also, I can’t seem to get enough sleep for the life of me. My bed time is getting earlier and earlier. This week, I went to bed at 8:30!? 8:30!!!! Seriously…what is wrong with me? Am I 5? Ugh.

Looking Forward To: Our next appointment. Even though it is a month away…I can’t wait to see how much this little baby is growing. We also were thinking about going to a few baby stores maybe this weekend and seeing how much things are. I can’t wait to go and pick things out!



Im baaaaaaaaaaaackkkkkkkkkkk

Wooo! A TON of stuff has gone on as of late. I don't have access to my pictures as of this moment, so I am going to launch right into the good stuff, and of course, add the pics and such later!
The news: Im preggo!! Whew! Crazy Crazy CRAZY! SO I will provide yall with bump-dates (hehe) and then add pics and other fun stories at a later date.
Now that Im officially out of the closet about my pregnancy...I can fill you in on what is happening with my bod...since I know yall are dying to know!

Sunday September 22, 2013- 6 Weeks


Pregnancy Highlights


How Far Along:
6 Weeks

Size of baby:
According to The Bump, Baby O is the size of a Sweet Pea (we checked another site that said lentil, and we were both kind of grossed out, so we searched until we found something “cuter”

Maternity Clothes:
Not yet..I feel bloated an my tummy feels fatter, but honestly, its probably just air…not baby yet…but due to the clothes feel tighter…
L boo

Both the Mister and I feel like it is a boy..but of course, we will be happy with either! Per the Chinese Gender calendar on the bump, this little nugget is a boy! We shall see!

The baby is the size of a sweet pea…I can’t feel its fins..

I am sleeping pretty well…really like a rock. But I know that will change…I get up about once or twice a night to pee…but sound as a rock before then

What I miss:
This week, I am missing deli sandwiches like a muthaaaa.. I don’t even eat deli sandwiches..but I have been  trying to convince Tim to let me have just a ham sandwich. He about blew  a gasket when I ate the uncooked olive off our Papa Murphys pizza though, so im not thinking Im going to have any luck.

I am Craving steak and potatoes this week. I seriously can’t get enough. My friend is convinced that im having a ginger baby, based on said craving. “Ginger Babies Crave Red meat in Utero, its science” haha wonderful. Since Chim, has Auburn hair this could definitely be a possibility...Auburn is just red in denial. Sorry babe. Also, cant get enough of fruit. Nectarines, Apples, you name it…get in my belly.

My boobs still hurt like I got into a boxing match..,.and  my boobs lost… I have started to sleep with a tank top on just to hold those suckers in place. AND they are huge. Good Golly. I swear the milk has already come in… hah..just kidding..kind of.
Also, I have been pretty nauseous. We went fishing, and I definitely had to not so subtlety sneak off into the woods and there went breakfast. I hear all these preggo stories about these girls being able to hide under their desks at work and nonchalantly spew that mornings breakfast into the trash. Come back up, and resume their day like nothing ever happened. I am not one of those girls. Oh no.
It sounds like an exorcism is taking place. Projectile…loud noises, belching right before…you know…the works. Tim so lovingly acknowledged one day…wow babe…you are not quiet about that at all…you sound like me. Um Thanks babe? 
OH and im tired. I am used to being a little busy bee. But now, this mama can’t even stay awake past 9. I am down for the count, and forget about coming home and making 3 course meals like Im used to. Good thing, I have an amazing man that takes care of all that for me

Favorite Moment This Week:

Honestly…just being taken care of. I have been feeling really sick, and Tim has seriously taken care of everything. Also, we took announcement photos yesterday…SQUEEE! And our photographer said this is one of her favorite photo shoots that she has ever down. Sidenote: she is so excited about said photos…that we get to see them tonight probably!

Worst Moment This Week:
Eating pizza…then getting sick and throwing up all said pizza. Then I was hungry again. I mourn for my food these days…its pathetic really.

Looking Forward To:
Sharing these photos with our family, and getting to tell our family and friends.