Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Its a....


I know most of you already know this by now, but on December 20, 2013, we found out that we are having a little girl! Name to be announced at a later date..

We had our appointment at 11 am, and they told me to come with a full bladder. So I downed what im sure was equivalent to a small ocean of water before we went in, and then they told me that I had to hold it. Umm Im sorry, this is hard for me anyway, not to mention when im 20 weeks pregnant. I asked the lady if I could go to the bathroom as soon as I got there..and she goes “Umm sure..I guess, just try to go a little bit, and then stop it mid flow so your bladder does not empty”. Ugh, okay cool. So I go in…barely make it to the toilet and my bladder just unloads…do you think that I could stop a geyser of water mid flow? No. I tried to stop it, I did…but It just would not stop. I figured it would be fine…so I went to sit back down…and I wish I was kidding…but as soon as I sat down I had to pee again. UGH. This time I held it, I didn’t want to press my luck with not having a full bladder at my appointment. They called us in soon after and got right to work with the ultrasound, checking for this and that and making sure that the little bean was healthy and functioning properly. The first thing she says to me when she takes a peek inside my internal organs..."Wow, you really do have a full bladder.." Ya think? Im an overachiever..I did not disappoint...



The little feet that I will probably munch on later...

We told them that we wanted them to seal the gender in an envelope so we could open it on our Christmas, which was going to be the next morning. We wanted it to be special instead of just being told at our appointment. How we both managed to not look at the screen when they were in that general area is beyond me.

I loved being able to see her move and play with her fingers, and stretch and play with her feetsies. She sucked her thumb and was just moving all over the place. It was so cool to be able to see this little girl just alive and well. They even did a 3D ultrasound, which of course they all look kind of weird in those. We werent’ able to catch a glimpse of her face in that one because the sweet little princess had her hands in front of her face. Im imagining she was saying, “No pictures please, I don’t have my makeup on yet”. So exciting.

"Im not ready for my close up...."

Afterwards, we both had to go to work, which was tough because we just wanted to open the envelope right then and there. Tim hid the envelope from me, because I think we both knew that I probably would have snuck a peek. When we got home from work we were going to go to dinner and go see the movie Frozen, but honestly…could not wait any longer. We were thinking that we didn’t want to rush through Christmas just to get to the envelope that would tell us our child-to-be’s gender. So we made the joint decision to open it before our date night. It was such a sweet moment for us to find out who was going to be joining our little family first. I am so excited to start this journey with the man of my dreams and can’t wait to add this little princess to our growing family!

Hot leggggs

18 week Bump-date

December 10, 2013


Pregnancy Highlights

 Seriously slacking on photos...

How Far Along:
18 weeks and a few days

Size of baby:
According to The Bump, Baby O is the size of a sweet potato!

Maternity Clothes:
Yes and no! I am definitely sporting  around those sexy maternity pants and jeans with that hot little panel in them (Thanks Mum!), and of course dresses and some leggings, but my tops are pretty much my own, whichever fits!

I had a dream last night that it was a girl, and everyone is telling me it is a girl, so that is what I am thinking!
Our appointment is on the 20th, and we just discussed last night that we will have them seal it in an envelope, and we will open it on our Christmas (The 21st)! Squee! Don’t worry y’all, I will let you know when we find out!

Nothing yet…and apparently some mamas don’t feel anything until after 20 weeks…I am getting impatient even though I know that pretty soon I will just be royally annoyed when it is keeping me up at night!

Sleep is pretty good still. We got this new Sherpa comforter that is so soft and to die for, so that definitely makes it difficult to get out of bed in the morning!

What I miss:
Still miss wine. I indulged in some coffee a few days ago when I was doing my Christmas shopping (Christmas shopping would not be complete without a Gingerbread Latte”. I miss over easy eggs…I love triple LOVE breakfast sandwiches in the mornings and an over easy egg would just be the cherry on top, but I will refrain for now!

Nothing so much recently. The other day I was looking through the Pampered Chef catalog and there was a little picture with Deviled eggs in it. I don’t know why, but I had a really strong craving to have one at that moment in time, and I didn’t. Now that Im talking about it however…hmmmmm

Still back aches and the tummy burning when I eat. Nothing else though, still drenching myself in cocoa butter every morning to hopefully avoid the road map effect of Stretch marks!

Favorite Moment This Week:

I was so beyond excited to finish my Christmas shopping. Starting to fall more in love with the names that we have picked out (boy OR girl), and just getting more and more excited to see our little babe on the screen for our 20 week ultrasound! Also…in other not so baby news..WE FINALLY GOT SNOW! More on that later….no really…More on that later!

Worst Moment This Week:
My back has been feeling a little better…but nothing too bad this week!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

17 Week Bump-date

November 30, 2013

I didn't take one this week...so this is what y'all get. Sorry Loves!
My loves Kristine and Coro on our way to Leavenworth, definitely compliments to the snowboarder who put his trip on pause to take a few snaps of us



Pregnancy Highlights


How Far Along:
17 weeks!

Size of baby:
According to The Bump, Baby O is the size of an Onion!

Maternity Clothes:
Clothes are my friend again! My mum took me out shopping and I got some new maternity clothes! My tops and everything were still fitting, but my pants, and jeans and skirts were seriously making me feel like I was a Vienna Sausage. Not so good when you have to work and do things other than lay on the couch. So I feel SO much better. Thanks Mum!

I feel like it is a girl now, I go back and forth…Ugh…Less than a month until we find out!

Nothing yet!

Sleeping pretty good still, bed is so cozy and warm in the mornings it makes it really difficult to get up! Back still hurts, which I know is super early for me to be complaining about back pain!

What I miss:
I miss wine so much L We had this amazing Thanksgiving dinner and a Merlot would have tasted heavenly with it. I did sneak a few sips of Tim’s wine…but mostly I stuck to Sparkling Cider. I can’t wait until I can have my wine and cheese pairings again!

I got some ham! Finally! It wasn’t the Ham sandwich that I have been craving, but Tim went out and bought me my own little ham. Bless his little heart. Thanksgiving dinner pretty much satisfied all my cravings.

My stomach has been burning after I eat. It feels like whatever I just ate is trying to burn a hole into the side of my stomach. Apparently that is normal. Lovely. Also the back pain hasn’t really gotten much better, some days are better than others.

Favorite Moment This Week:

Going home to visit my family for Thanksgiving. It was so wonderful to see my mum and dad and get to spend some extra time with them. Also, I have more of a bump! Hooray! Also, going shopping with mum and getting some new clothes that actually fit is so wonderful!

Worst Moment This Week:
My back hurts…still so bad..


Our life as of late...

Since I have totally been failing on doing consistent blog posts, and also taking consistent pictures I will kind of do a photo dump (with the FEW pictures that I have taken) and kind of explain each one, in a nutshell.
The Sunday before Thanksgiving we had purchased tickets to go see TSO in Portland. Tim had never been to see them before, and I think in his mind he was thinking it was going to be some symphony playing traditional Christmas songs. To all of you that have actually been to a TSO concert, you know that is the complete opposite of what it is! They have pyro-technics, electric guitars, Christmas Rock music, and lasers. I have seen them about 3 other times before but it had been a few years since the last time I saw them! Boy did they not fail to disappoint! Even better than I imagined...to say that we were blown away...was an understatement.
Our drive up there with a pretty mountain in the back

Again..the drive...gorgeous!

Waiting for TSO to start

So excited!

Earlier in the day we had also gone to see Tim's mum. We don't get to see her much since she is constantly traveling for her job, but it was wonderful to spend some one on one time with her and (for me) get to know her better. We started off the day going to Ikea to look at baby furniture, and then finished our visit by taking a walk through downtown Camas, Washington. Super cute town! One of the best stores that we came across was this oil and vinegar shop! Tim's mum treated us to this AMAZING Blueberry Balsamic and Lime oil (thanks, mum!). All in all, such an amazing day!
2.) Thanksgiving
For Thanksgiving we went up to my home in Washington. The first day or two we spent the day with my dad, since we were unable to actually see him on the day of Thanksgiving. Then on Thanksgiving day we went to my mums house and had the most amazing dinner! You know the works, Turkey, Green Bean Casserole, Sweet Potato Casserole, Mashed Potatoes and gravy, rolls, and we had the honor of bringing pies...two of them..Cherry and Apple! yum! The day itself was filled with relaxation and just delicious food...and family time! We also had to bring out the baby books because Timothy had never seen them before! I don't think I have pictures of the actual day itself..unless Tim took some...but yes! Amazing!
3.) Black Friday Shopping
On Black Friday my mum and I woke up at the crack of dawn (well lets say 5am) to do some Christmas shopping. It has been a few years since we have been able to actually get out and go due to the fact of our busy schedules and me living in Oregon these days. So we jumped at the chance to go! We hit up Fred Meyers first, and then went to Alderwood Mall to finish up! We actually didnt' run into too many crowds (Surprisingly) and the longest line that we stood in was a 3 person line at JcPenney that seemed to take about 20 minutes longer than it should have. I think they  were just so slow! No pics of this day either...but I have one of this pillow that I must have. So if anyone feels inclined to purchase this for me...by all means :)

 Later that day, Tim and I went to Snowflake Lane which is this really cute Christmas event in downtown Bellevue, Washington. The crowds were absolutely RIDICULOUS, since apparently it was opening night, but we headed on over to Palomino and had some delicious appetizers and some drinks (well....some nice water for me thanks).
4.) Leavenworth
The day after we packed up the old front wheel drive sleigh to go to the land of Bavaria with our friends Cory and Kristine. Kristine is my seester that has only been my seester since the beginning of time. If you don't follow her...you probably should...www.livingbarefootandcrazy.blogspot.com
Tim had never been here and it is just the cutest little Bavarian village on the other side of the mountains. We saw some snow, and enjoyed all this little town has to offer...Sausages, Shopping, Hat Shop, Chocolate Stores, Wine, and of course the Christmas Lights and decorations!
P.S. If you have seen these photos before, it is because I definitely stole them from my seeester!

On the way over the pass!

Ruv himmmm

Love them!

The cute little lights!

16 Week Bump-date

November 22, 2013



Pregnancy Highlights


How Far Along:
16 Weeks!

Size of baby:
According to The Bump, Baby O is the size of an Avocado!

Maternity Clothes:
Nothing yet, but seriously lacking in a work wardrobe. So annoying! Sorry Im not sorry about stretching my wardrobe as much as I can to prolong NOT wearing maternity jeans. We went and looked at maternity jeans at Target and I about barfed. Seriously, not okay.

Today I feel like it is a boy, but that is probably because I saw Carhartt little boy overalls, that were seriously so cute I could die.

Nothing yet, come on’ baby avocado!

I am still sleeping good, but my back is really starting to hurt. They tell me heat sometimes helps, so I have been heating my back at night, and doing the usual pillow between the legs, but UGH I wish it felt better! It isn’t enough to keep me up at night, but I hate laying on my back to heat the lower area it is hurting. Probably will need to see a physical therapist about it soon.

What I miss:
I miss wine this week, we had this amazing salmon dinner that would have tasted divine with a good white wine…but of course…no. I am also missing over easy eggs…you know, the usual.

Loving meat and potatoes, and for those of you that know me, know that isn’t really my thing when im not preggo. Also, breakfast sandwiches with eggs and sausage. I have most definitely indulged the last few days, should probably cut that out.

Back pain, it feels awful. My lower back is in so much pain, and it is starting to effect my walking. I will be moving along just fine, and then all of a sudden something tweaks in my lower back, and I am limping the rest of the way. It is worse at work. I think I am allergic to work or something….

Favorite Moment This Week:

Excited to have a little bit more of a baby bump than what looks more like a cookie belly. I do have a little something in there…not just a bowl full of jelly. Also, we talked to my mum and she was going to try and make it out for the gender reveal ultrasound! I couldn’t believe it, but unfortunately, she had thought it was a few days later and her flight is coming in, ironically, at the same time that our appointment is on the 20th. We are going to call and see if we can reschedule since that would be super special if she could be there! Also, we are going to spend the day with Tim’s mum on Sunday, and later at night see Trans-Siberian Orchestra in Portland! I cannot wait! I have seen them perform about 3 times and each time is absolutely enchanting. I think it is the perfect thing to get me in the Christmas spirit!

Worst Moment This Week:
My back. Feels awful. I hope I can get some relief soon.


Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Picture Perfect!

So shortly after we found out that we were expecting, we started talking about how to announce it to our friends and family when the time came. We have a few friends that do photography, so choosing just one was difficult! We approached our friend Sarah, because we knew that she had done photography in the past, and she is good at keeping a secret. Since it was so early, we didn't want to tell anyone, but knew that she could bring our visions to life in these photos. Of course, I scoured Pinterest to find ideas, and found a few ideas, and knew that we wanted to have our Romeos on in some of the pictures, and of course include the girls (Sullivan Louise and Mildred Jean) in them. (Since they are going to be big sisters after all!) 

So as always, pictures tell the story best...but here are some of our favorites..Impossible to choose just one!

15 week Bump-Date

I don't know what happened with the 7 week bump date post...but better late than never!

November 20, 2013

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along:
15 Weeks-I know that I am lacking in bump photos..but I swear I will be better about it from here on out!!

Size of baby:
According to The Bump, Baby O is the size of a Orange!

Maternity Clothes:
Nothing yet, just living in leggings on the weekends and dresses for work during the week days!

Everyone keeps telling me it is a girl…so…maybe they are right?! Gah! I don’t know!

I am told that it is coming up! A lot of people first felt baby “flutter” at 15 weeks! Still nothing yet!

Again, about the same. I am still sleeping pretty well…really like a rock. But I know that will change…I get up about once or twice a night to pee…but sound as a rock before then

What I miss:
Over easy eggs, ham, and it is getting really uncomfortable to sleep on my stomach. Sorry Baby

Always Hungry. Hungaarriiiiannnn. As Papa Tim and I like to call it to our girls (Chugs) J

I have so much more energy than what I have been having. UHH mazing! Feels so good to be able to have energy and not be a sloth when I get home from work.

Favorite Moment This Week:

Tim went out and bought me new leggings, Hooray! So that was exciting! I was getting the little double muffin top from my other ones and the stupid tight elastic! Disgusting! Other than that, a few weeks ago, I forgot to mention that I bought a baby blanket at a craft fair. I will have to post pics later. It is so cute, and $15.00 later! Not bad!! I brought it home to Tim and he was equally excited! So that was kind of fun. Also, just getting more and more excited for Christmas and to see my mum! SQUEE! We went to dinner at his parents house the other night and that was so fun to see how excited they are getting and to have dinner with them. I made an apple crisp and everyone loved it! Super fun to just have a family here I get to spend time with. I haven’t had that in a long time, and a 2nd family that is truly excited to see me and spend time with me, I have definitely missed out on that.

Worst Moment This Week:
My back is hurting pretty bad..I will be fine and then BAM-O…limping the rest of the way. I wish that it could be fixed…but I have a feeling it will only get worse. And then last night, I had freaking heart burn. Lovely. Maybe the little babe will have a full head of hair…which would be adorable.

7 Week Bump-Date

Sunday September 29, 2013- 7 Weeks


Pregnancy Highlights


How Far Along:
7 Weeks

Size of baby:
According to The Bump, Baby O is the size of a Blueberry!

Maternity Clothes:
Not yet..I feel bloated an my tummy feels fatter, but honestly, its probably just air…not baby yet…but due to the air, clothes feel tighter…
L boo. I definitely need to get some more leggings, since I have a feeling I will be living in them this fall and winter!

Both the Mister and I feel like it is a boy..but of course, we will be happy with either! Per the Chinese Gender calendar on the bump, this little nugget is a boy! We shall see!

The baby is the size of a Blueberry…what do you think?

I am still sleeping pretty well…really like a rock. But I know that will change…I get up about once or twice a night to pee…but sound as a rock before then

What I miss:
Yesterday, we went to the pumpkin patch and they had Apple Cider…You know…the good stuff? The unpasteurized cup of heaven that comes every fall? Yeah…that’s the one. And I can’t have it. L Apparently…even if its heated, it won’t kill some harmful bacteria that could potentially make me sick. So I will have to stick to the stupid grocery store pasteurized kind. Not.Happy. Other than that…I am okay for the most part, I still want a ham sammich…but I about had heart failure when I realized I couldn’t have my Cidahhhh.

Steak and Potatoes still sounds bomb. But really Im just craving a hot bowl of pasta right now. Like Fettucini Alfredo smothered noods, with Chicken and Shrimp. Umm yes? And babe if you could make that fancy pasta you make, with the leaves on top of the noods? Heaven!

Same as before…Boobs so sore…when I take my bra off at night, I almost regret it. No wait…I do regret it. It hurts. Bad. And Im sure that it is nothing like how they will feel later on, but just let me complain for now k?
My nausea is still around, but it comes and goes. I was not feeling so hot yesterday, and was completely exhausted, but it was stormy outside (LLlLLlLL, EXCITING), and it was the perfect excuse to stay inside and watch movies! Also, I have been sensitive to the smell in the kitchen…I feel like it is a musty smell, but Friday after work I immediately had to come in and light just about every candle in our home (Thank you BBW). Tim came home and pretty sure he wondered if a séance had occurred. Sorry love, not being creepy..just the kitchen made me vom.

Favorite Moment This Week:

Loving all of this stormy weather!! EEEK! It makes me feel not so guilty about this baby’s constant demands to make me fat and lazy. Excited for our appointment on Tuesday, Hoping we get to see the sonogram and the little sack of potatoes…or blueberry, whatever the heck it may be.

Worst Moment This Week:
Being so exhausted that I can’t even function. Like honestly, I unpacked one box of winter clothes and I was spent. Sorry babe, you might have to look at those plastic tubs for a little while longer, until I muster the energy to unpack the rest. That used to be a day project for me. I couldn’t even fathom doing the rest. So annoying. Also…I am so scared for the blood work that happens to come with the first appointment. Anyone that knows me, knows I DO NOT do blood stuff…so this should be a joy. I feel bad for Tim…he has to see me in such a condition. Hope you love me

Looking Forward To: To our appointment…Can’t wait to see how real this is. And we should probably compile a notebook of questions to ask at our appointment tonight. Also, telling the rest of our family. We told Tim’s dad and Step mum Saturday night, and they seemed over the moon. I hope the rest of our family reacts the same way.


14 week Bump-Date

November 10th, 2013

Pregnancy Highlights

How Far Along:
14 Weeks- Yay 2nd Trimester!

Size of baby:
According to The Bump, Baby O is the size of a Lemon!

Maternity Clothes:
Nothing yet,  still just trying to find what is working in my closet…which doesn’t’ seem like much these days!

Everyone keeps telling me it is a girl…so…maybe they are right?! Gah! I don’t know!

I am told that it is coming up! Baby is the size of a lemon…coming soon!

Again, about the same. I am still sleeping pretty well…really like a rock. But I know that will change…I get up about once or twice a night to pee…but sound as a rock before then

What I miss:
Still Ham…UGH When will this obsession stop? Can’t Listeria just go away, so mama can have some ham? Seriously…effecting my lifestyle. And being able to fit in my clothes without them hurting me

Nothing really…just always freaking hungry. I want like 3 breakfasts, and 2 lunches and about 7 dinners. And even when I am full, I still need food…it is getting out of control.

Nothing so much this week, besides just always wanting food....but my exhaustion is going away! Hooray!

Favorite Moment This Week:

Favorite moment would be getting to go home this past weekend for my brothers birthday. Not like I was super exciting or anything, but we had a surprise birthday dinner with my brother for said birthday at the local watering hole, Ixtapa. I miss that place and their salsa so damn much. The owners actually have a couple locations in Oregon as well, which is super random, because it is a small family business, but they just don’t hold a candle to the OG in good ole Duvall. So, that was fun, having din with my brother and his girlfriend, Salina, and my nana and my father. Then we just kind of hung out the rest of the weekend. Side Note: My brother got a puppy for his birthday. A little Chocolate Lab named Lucy, talk about CUTE! We just snuggled her all weekend and bought her some swag, since he literally had  ZERO toys for her. Also, my brother’s girlfriend being super excited about my expanding belly was really sweet. OH and also, told my dad. Again, like what I expected, very quiet about it. But we talked later, since I had a feeling maybe he said some un nice things, but he was just shocked..which I totally get. The girl who did not want kids at all..and hellooooooooooo bump! Surprise! Big news! Haha. And then my nana didn’t say anything..which I also kind of expected…but I bet she won’t be able to be silent for much longer when my bump gets giant at Christmas J
ALSO!! Announced it via Facebook, which of course, I will have a separate post on that around here, somewhere when I get around to it. And announced it to work… which was pretty fun. I think that people I work with had a sneaking suspicion, but when it was confirmed they seemed excited and it was fun to read everyone’s well wishes.

Worst Moment This Week:
I don’t think we have one. We had such a good week/weekend. My back has been starting to hurt. Annoying! But other than that…amazing weekend over all.

 And some pictures from this weekend: